Difference Between Part time and Casual Job

Part time vs Casual Job

Part time and casual jobs are two types of job classifications. Both types are offered by many companies, usually for college students or graduates as a means to earn money.

Both part-time and casual jobs offer the same advantages which are providing work experience and industry knowledge. However, there are many differences between the two classifications.

A part time job is like a full time job in many aspects. Those involved are regular employees with regular schedules. They often work less than 40 hours (the equivalent of a full working week).  On the other hand, people with casual jobs have total control of their hours and work time. This means they can work for an hour or more than 12 hours in order to complete their work.

Part time workers are identified with a company or organization and has a binding contract with the employer or company. The contract sets the regular status of the part time worker. In casual jobs, workers and employers do not have to have or sign an official document stating an agreement between the two parties. In addition, casual jobs are often temporary and not guaranteed.

Documents such as Notice of Termination or Certificate of Employment are non-existent for casual jobs. To compensate, casual job workers can elicit a recommendation for employment or ask former employers for a character reference. Casual jobs often have no documentation for the duration of the work.

Another difference is employee benefits. Part time workers can receive benefits in the form of leaves, bonuses and other perks offered by the company. Casual jobs do not offer benefits, aside from the flexibility of working hours.
Part time employment is a legally recognized and official job classification. Casual jobs, even though they are not legally recognized, do exist.
Both part time and casual jobs can progress into full time employment. However, part time employment may more easily develop into a full time position or a promotion. Casual jobs can also lead to the same scenario but with a greater consideration to the working relationship between employer and employee.


  1. A part time job is like a full time job. A part time job includes a contract that offers job stability, and regular working hours or a schedule. On the other hand, casual jobs have no hourly limits or extensions.
  2. The employment benefits of a full time employee can be extended to a part time person. Benefits may include sick leave, annual leave and bonuses. A Notice of Termination or a Certificate of Employment can be issued at the request of the worker. There are no such benefits for those working casual jobs. Also, there are no official documents.
  3. A casual job is not an official job classification. However, it does exist and workers who are employed as casual usually work on an hourly or daily basis.
  4. A part time job can aid in consideration for full time employment for the current job or a promotion to a higher position. Casual jobs can also lead to part time or full time employment, depending on the existing relationship between the employer and the employee.