Difference Between PayPal Checkout and PayPal Standard (With Table)

PayPal Checkout and PayPal Standard are two different methods of payment on PayPal that various sites can use to carry out monetary transactions. Both are quite popular amongst the masses however, they have their own pros and cons. The extensions provide different features to their users, who can choose which one to use depending on their convenience.

PayPal Checkout vs PayPal Standard

The main difference between PayPal Checkout and PayPal Standard is that PayPal Checkout allows users to pay money to other sites without being redirected to the PayPal website. On the other hand, PayPal Standard redirects a user to the PayPal website where he or she may carry on with making a payment.

PayPal Checkout is an extension of PayPal made for other websites to send and receive payments online. It provides numerous features to its users that maximize their convenience and minimize wastage of time. On making a payment through PayPal Checkout, the user does not get redirected to PayPal’s official website.

PayPal Standard is another extension of PayPal that other websites can use to send and receive money online. Unlike PayPal Checkout, the user gets redirected to a PayPal secure website on which the said transaction can further be carried out. This may be time-consuming and thus may not be the first choice for many people.

Comparison Table Between PayPal Checkout and PayPal Standard

Parameters of Comparison

PayPal Checkout

PayPal Standard


The user does not get redirected to PayPal’s secure website for making a transaction.

The user gets redirected to PayPal’s secure website to carry out a payment.


PayPal Checkout offers more features than the latter.

PayPal Standard is a basic extension and does not provide many additional features.

PayPal Account

A user may or may not create a PayPal account for making payments.

A customer does not need to have a PayPal account to make a payment.


PayPal Checkout is available as PayPal Standard in many countries but the credit and Venmo options are available only in the U.S.

PayPal Standard is available in more than 200 countries across the globe.

Time Taken

Using PayPal Checkout is not as time-consuming as other extensions.

PayPal Standard transactions can be time-consuming as the user is taken to another site.

What is PayPal Checkout?

PayPal Checkout is a PayPal extension made for other websites allowing them to send and receive online payments. The extension lets a website accept payments through debit cards, credit cards, PayPal, and even PayPal credit. It makes the process of online payments simple and easy as a business can focus on just the sales while PayPal handles everything related to payments.

The extension allows a user to store their shipping and billing information so that it does not need to be re-entered on any other website. Moreover, with PayPal Checkout, a user does not get automatically redirected to another website for carrying out the transaction. This saves a lot of time and is more convenient to use than other methods.

When a PayPal Checkout extension is added to a website, the customer has the option of chooses whether to pay through it. Interestingly, a PayPal account isn’t compulsory to make a payment on the said website. A customer is even allowed to use other methods of payment despite having the extension.

PayPal Checkout is very secure when it comes to the customer’s personal and payment information. Moreover, with a PayPal Checkout extension, a user can simply log in with their PayPal account details. On selecting the payment method, the process gets completed with just one more click.

What is PayPal Standard?

PayPal Standard is an extension that allows businesses to receive payments online in a hassle-free way. To use it, any kind of advanced programming is not needed at all. Moreover, a user does not even need a PayPal account to make a transaction. The extension is even customized to be used on smartphones and tablets.

The extension is a basic plan by the company that removes the time wastage in case of full payment processing solutions. The company does not even ask its users for any application, setup, or monthly fees. The process is entirely free, and a business can start using it as soon as they start selling.

PayPal Standard also lets a customer pay through debit or with credit cards. However, the customer gets redirected to PayPal’s secure website where the shipping and billing information needs to be filled. In doing so, the process of the transaction gets initiated. This can be a bit time-consuming.

PayPal Standard also handles all the checkout processes including security and mobile compatibility. Moreover, it even allows users to send invoices online. This creates a possibility for the business to get paid sooner. The extension also promises automatic fraud screening, excellent data security as well as trustworthy customer service.

Main Differences Between PayPal Checkout and PayPal Standard

  1. PayPal Checkout does not redirect a user to PayPal’s secure website while PayPal Standard does.
  2. PayPal Checkout offers more features to the business and customers than PayPal Standard does.
  3. PayPal Checkout allows the user to choose to have a PayPal account while paying whereas PayPal Standard does not ask a customer to make an account.
  4. PayPal Checkout is not as popular as PayPal Standard is.
  5. PayPal Checkout is not as time-consuming as PayPal Standard as it does not have a lengthy payment process.


PayPal Checkout and PayPal Standard are popular extensions used by people across the world to make online transactions. The difference between the two lies in how time-consuming they are to use. PayPal Checkout allows a user to make payments in the fastest way possible. This is because it does not require typing in lengthy billing information and does not redirect the user to another page.

On the other hand, paying through PayPal Standard can be a bit time-consuming. This is because while paying, a customer gets redirected to PayPal’s secure website where the process can be carried out further.


  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4302-0353-7_1