Percentage and percentile may seem to mean the same, but they are strikingly different. It is clear in our minds that both terms relate to mathematics and solve math-related questions. A percentage is a mathematics quantity while percentile is defined by the percentage value under a ranking system.
Percentage vs Percentile
The main difference between percentage and percentile is that percentage can have quartiles while the percentile doesn’t have quartiles. Another aspect is that the percentage is always shown on a value of 100. Percentile shows the value of that percentage on a given ranking of a set group. Percentage directly presents the data of numbers based on the division of 100 and gives out information on ratio, decimal, and proportions.
The percentile is relative to statistical usage to denote a comparison of many percentages based on an amount, set of people or a trend.
Comparison Table Between Percentage and Percentile
Parameters of Comparison | Percentage | Percentile |
Meaning | Based on one case | Based on a comparison of many cases |
Distribution | Not connected with any distribution among people | Rest on the normal distribution of people |
Position | Value position out of 100 | Found below the value of the percentage |
Rank | No | Yes |
Decimal | Yes | No |
Quartiles | No | yes |
Ratio | Yes | No |
Symbol | % | th |
What is meant by Percentage?
A percentage can be
understood through the use of denominators in order to calculate mathematical
value systems of 100. The percentage is denoted by the use of a%
A percentage is important to standardize different quantities, marks, numbers, ratios, and proportions. Also, the percentage can be written in faction or decimals.
Example: if a student has scored 68 marks out of a score of 100 the student has got 68% marks in their math’s exam.
What is meant by Percentile?
Percentile is a concept that has its bases on the percentage understanding. It is important to know the scoring of percentiles. A percentile simple tells you how many people are at your score or below you.
A percentile is the percentage of values found. These values are often used in a ranking system. The values are further divided into the normal distribution of values. Percentile cannot be shown as decimals as the ranking system doesn’t permit that.
For example, there are 40 students who appeared for an example including
you. You secured 4th rank in that exam. So there are 36 behind you. Now say you are equal to the score of the 36
as well.
Hence, 36/40*100 – Your percentile is 90th
Main Differences Between Percentage and Percentile
and Distribution
A percentage is a
measurement tool that calculates numbers out of 100.
Percentile is the
mathematical value of percentage in order to find out the number value scored
above or below a percentage
The distribution of a percent is very specific to one person and unique to them and cannot be evenly distributed in the masses.
The percentile is a comparison of various percentages in a given situation in a setting.
Hence a percentile can be
said to be distributed among people while the percentage is not.
and Symbol
The percentage symbol is quite easy to know and note. We work hard to get good percentages for our exams. Well, a percentage figure or number is denoted as ‘%’.
There is no particular symbol as such for connoting percentile, but it is denoted by a value noted. Like the depiction of a percentile would be something like nth.
Here ‘n’ is any number rank of a percentile.
The percentage is quantity and percentile is the quantification.