Difference between Pigeon and Dove

Pigeon vs Dove

Doves and pigeons are very cute-looking birds. These two birds are kept as pets and even hunted for food as they are delicate and soft. Most often people do not find any difference between the two and call the two as “pigeon” and “dove” as per their whims. Though pigeons and doves belong to the Columbidae family, they have many significant differences.

It is easy to distinguish between a pigeon and a dove by just looking at them. Doves are white, and pigeons come in a grey or brown color. One can also distinguish a pigeon from a dove by just looking at the size. The larger species is the pigeon and the smaller one is a dove. One can also see a slight difference in the tail between a pigeon and a dove. While the pigeon has a larger and rounded tail, the dove has small, pointed tail.

Both the pigeon and dove are considered to be calm and peaceful birds. When compared to pigeons, doves are calm and beautiful. Though pigeons are also beautiful, they are not as beautiful as doves. Though pigeons and doves are both noisy, the pigeons are noisier. When compared to doves, the pigeons are also more aggressive.

Both pigeons and doves have been raised as pets for many centuries. They have also been raised for sacrificing to appease the gods. When there was no postal service, the pigeons and doves were used as carriers of messages. Nowadays, both pigeons and doves are symbols of peace. Both pigeons and doves feed on fruits and seeds. However, some species, like quail doves and ground doves, prey on worms and insects.


1.Both pigeons and doves have been raised as pets for many centuries. They have also been raised for sacrificing to appease the gods.
2.Nowadays, both pigeons and doves are symbols of peace.
3.Doves are white, and pigeons come in a grey or brown color.
4.The larger species is the pigeon, and the smaller one is the dove.
5.When compared to pigeons, doves are calm and beautiful.
6.When compared to doves, the pigeon are also more aggressive.
7.Though pigeons are also beautiful, they are not as beautiful as doves.
8.Both pigeons and doves are noisy, but the pigeons are noisier than the doves. While the pigeon has a larger and rounded tail, the dove has a small, pointed tail.