Difference Between Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio

Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio are the white wines made from the same grape varieties. Made from same grapes, the wines are also almost the same though many people claim to experience differences between these two types of wines. What is called Pinot Gris in France is labeled Pinot Grigio in Italy. Let us find out in this article if there are any differences between Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio.

Both Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio are wines made from the same type of grapes. However, there is a big difference in the styles used in making these wines. Pinot Gris comes from Alsace region in France while Pinot Grigio comes from the northeastern part of Italy. Pinot Gris is not only rich, but wine lovers feel it is sweeter in comparison to Grigio. Grigio, on the other hand, is much crisper than Gris though it is lighter and less sweet (dryer) than Gris. It is interesting to note that, inside US, the same wine is known as Pinot Gris in Oregon while it is referred to as Pinot Grigio in the state of California. In most countries of the world, the names Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio are used interchangeably without any meaning attached to these names.

Pinot Gris wines coming from the Alsace region are fruity and flowery, and this is reflected in their aromas. Some wine lovers find the taste similar to that of grapefruit while others find it similar to the taste of peaches or melon. Pinot Gris is a grape that ripens with lots of sugar which means that the wine made from it is also sweet in taste. Actually the wines that are made in Italy are made from grapes that are harvested much before they fully ripen which results in the wine being fryer in taste. Though Pinot Gris is native to Alsace region in France, and it only reached across the border in Italy later, it is Italy that is credited with getting all the recognition to the white wine made from this grape variety.

Pinot Gris vs Pinot Grigio

• Pinot Gris comes from France while Pinot Grigio comes from Italy.

• Both are names of white wines made from a particular grape variety.

• Pinot Gris is native to Alsace region in France, and it was only later grown in the northeastern part of Italy.

• Pinot Gris is rich and sweet while Pinot Grigio wine is light bodied, dryer, and crisp

• In other countries of the world, the wines are called Pinot Gris or Pinot Grigio without any reason.

• Though the two varieties of grapes are the same, grapes are harvested much earlier in Italy than in France with the result that the French wine is sweeter as grapes develop sugar in later stages of their development.

• Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris are two different names for the same white wine.

• Pinot Grigio happens to be much more popular among white wine lovers around the world than Pinot Gris.