Difference Between Podcast and Broadcast

The advancement of digital telecommunication channels has enabled easier, faster, effective and affordable ways of relaying information. With the replacement of traditional methods, digital channels such as televisions, radio, press printing, and podcasts, just to name a few have taken over. Among the most common methods include podcasts and broadcasts. With more podcasts being released every day, broadcast media channels are left with no choice than to produce better content. While many may not differentiate the two, the two vary based on the channels used, the regulation required, and the niche market, just to name a few.


What is Podcast?

These are pre-recorded downloadable digital files that focus on a specific niche. They are available in videos, audios, screencasts and enhanced podcasts. Each podcast is tailored towards a certain group of people which can range from investors, homeowners, parents, students, finance persons and pet owners, just to mention a few. Podcasts are available on various apps and websites.

Some types of podcasts include;

  • Video podcasts- These are podcasts in the form of video clips that are submitted by individuals and used for advertising and informing.
  • Enhanced podcasts- These are podcasts that display images in synch with audios and may contain artwork, hyperlinks and chapter markers.
  • Podcast novels- Also referred to as podcast audiobook or serialized audiobook, this is a podcast that incorporates an audiobook.

With over 50 million people listening to podcasts monthly, the industry is quite profitable and is inexpensive to create.


What is Broadcast?

These are transmissions of video or audio content via electronic communication mediums to a dispersed audience. Common through radio and television, the target audience includes a wide target group or the general public and is controlled from a studio. Broadcasts feature a wide range of topics through festivals, talk shows, interviews, and music.


Similarities between Podcast and Broadcast

  • Both are powerful mediums to entertain or inform the target audiences


Differences between Podcast and Broadcast


Podcasts are pre-recorded downloadable digital files that focus on a specific niche. On the other hand, broadcasts are transmissions of video or audio content via electronic communication mediums to a dispersed audience.


While podcasts follow no specific schedule, broadcasts have a set schedule that should be followed which can be quite limiting.

Target niche

Podcasts target a specific niche market. On the other hand, broadcasts target a mass audience hence covers a wide range of topics for mass appeal.


While podcasts are pre-recorded and can be edited before publishing, broadcasts are live hence making it impossible to edit errors.


Podcasts are unregulated. On the other hand, many regulations are required in the case of broadcasts as they are national programs.

Life span

While podcasts have a long life span and can be found online for a long time, broadcasts have a short life span which can be extended by posting on blogs or websites.

Podcast vs. Broadcast: Comparison Table


Summary of Podcast vs. Broadcast

Podcasts are pre-recorded downloadable digital files that focus on a specific niche. Usually unregulated, they have a long life span and follow no specific schedule.  On the other hand, broadcasts are transmissions of video or audio content via electronic communication mediums to a dispersed audience. They require many regulations and have a set schedule that should be followed which can be quite limiting. Despite the differences, both podcasts and broadcasts are powerful in entertaining or informing the target groups.