Difference Between Pollution and Population (With Table)

A population is a collection of creatures of the same variety that live in the local geographical region and are competent of interbreeding, according to ecology. Interbreeding among any combination inside a genital demographic is more likely than cross-breeding with people who come from different places in the region of a reproductive population. Pollution can occur as a result of a natural disaster. Tornadoes, for instance, frequently result in sewage and hydrocarbon leaks from burst vessels or autos.

Pollution vs Population

The main difference between pollution and population is that pollution is by both ecological and man-made activities that pollute the environment. Human-made contaminants such as those produced by combustion, building, mining, agribusiness, and combat are becoming increasingly important in the global carbon emissions scenario. On the other hand, the population is frequently defined as a group of creatures in which any two individuals can mate together. This implies they can interchange zygotes regularly to create ordinarily viable offspring.

Pollution occurs when toxins are introduced into the biological environment and cause harm. Any material or element, such as radiation, heat, noise, or vision, can be polluted. Foreign compounds, processes, and naturally existing pollutants can all contribute to pollution. Although natural phenomena can generate environmental contamination, the term pollution often suggests that the toxins come from an anthropogenic reservoir, i.e., a reference generated by human activity.

The term “population” usually alludes to the number of people living in a certain location, such as a city or community, a region, a nation, or the entire planet. A census, which is the act of collecting, evaluating, assembling, and disseminating statistics on a population, is commonly used by governments to determine the number of resident people under their domain. A population is a group of people who share a similar characteristic, such as territory, race, culture, country, or religion.

Comparison Table Between Pollution and Population

Parameters of Comparison




It is defined as the development of toxins into the native surroundings that cause harm.

It is the estimator that fits several folks living in a specific area, such as a city, province, or nation.


Air pollution, water contamination, and land residues are the three basic forms of pollution.

Finite, indefinite, and existence demographic population are the three forms.


Harmful elements are introduced into the ecosystem by nature.

Within a particular region, a group of members of similar species dwells and crossbreed.


Pollution promotes plant growth and slows anthropogenic global warming.

More population means more intellectual resources, faster economic expansion, and cost savings.


Cause a myriad of detrimental health consequences; respiratory diseases, high cholesterol, etc.

There will be greater prospects for physical commodity exploitation and inadequate funding.

What is Pollution?

The discharge of substances and particles into the environment is referred to as contamination. Carbon exhaust, sulfur, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and nitric compounds are all common harmful emissions created by factories and motor cars. When nitrogen oxides and molecules combine with sunlight, photocatalytic ozone and mist are produced. Particulate debris is often known as fine dust. Light invasion, over-illumination, and cosmic disturbance are all examples of pollution.

Electromagnetic pollution is defined as an excess of non-ionizing electrostatic emission, such as radio waves, to which humans are continually exposed, particularly in major cities. However, it is still uncertain if such forms of irradiance have any impact on human health. It also covers the illicit dumping of unattended man-made artifacts onto public and personal property. It refers to the buildup of plastic items and nano plastics in the biosphere, which hurts animals, nature conservation, and people.

Chemicals are discharged into the soil as a result of spills or subsurface leaks. Hydrocarbons, severe ions, MTBE, insecticides, pesticides, and halogen compounds are probably the most important soil pollutants. A temperature shift in organic water basins induced by human activity, such as the utilization of water as a condenser in a nuclear reactor, is referred to as pollution. Transmission lines, highway billboards, disfigured topography, open garbage storage, sewage sludge, and cosmic radiation are all examples of pollution.

What is Population?

A population is commonly described as a group of creatures that may mate with any other pair of individuals. This implies they may exchange gametes regularly to create usually viable offspring, and such a spawning group is characterized as a Gamo deme. This means that all of the individuals are of the same genus. The Gamo deme is considered to be apomictic if it is extremely vast and all genome variants are evenly dispersed by the spermatozoa inside it.

On February 24, 2006, the population of the earth reached 6.5 billion, about data provided by the Office of National Statistics. The United Nations Statistics Bureau estimated that the world headcount topped 6 billion people on October 12, 1999. This was around 12 years following the earth’s population peaked at 5 billion in 1987, and six years afterward it peaked at 5.5 billion in 1993. Because the demographics of nations like Nigeria are unknown to the closest million, such projections have a large margin of uncertainty.

The world’s population is predicted to reach its pinnacle in the foreseeable, after which it will begin to drop owing to macroeconomic indicators, medical issues, land exhaustion, and ecological threats. In addition, there is a chance that the populace will drop around 2100. Eastern Scandinavia, the Baltic region, and the Confederacy of Autonomous Regions have all had population declines in the recent decade or so.

Main Differences Between Pollution and Population

  1. The nature of pollution is harmful substances are transmitted into the atmosphere by nature. Whereas the nature of the population is within a specific region, a community of individuals of the particular species coexisting.
  2. Pollution stimulates plant development and slows environmental issues. Whereas more population guarantees more productive capacity, speedier economic prosperity, and efficiency gains.
  3. Pollution is considered as the progression of contaminants into the indigenous exterior that inflicts suffering. Whereas population usually alludes to the volume of individuals native to a specific area, including a metropolis, region, or nation.
  4. Air pollutants, water pollution, and terrestrial contamination are the three basic manifestations of pollution. Whereas minimal, infinite, and existence workforce are the three manifestations of population.
  5. Pollution Cause a multitude of negative health effects; respiratory ailments, heart problems, and emphysema are all increased by it. Whereas in population, there will be increased opportunities for renewable resource extraction and widespread poverty.


Pollution is defined as the premeditated or unintentional discharge of industrial effluent from advert and manufacturing squandering into water bodies, as well as the disposal of undiagnosed sewage and pesticide compounds such as hypochlorite from uncontrolled wastes, and the release of boondoggle and toxicants into stormwater runoff pouring to surface waters, which is still a significant dilemma in many emerging regions. Waste dumping and seeping into the earth, particularly pit latrines, pollute waterways.

The method of modifying a sentient population’s pace of growth is known as human demographic management. Although population management can include methods that enhance someone’s life by allowing them more autonomy over their procreation.


  1. https://oem.bmj.com/content/66/11/747.short
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969714004471