Difference Between Pore, Pour and Poor (With Table)

Some words in the English language are considered homophones. Homophone words are similar in pronunciation but have different meanings. Some homophones have the same spelling, while others have different spellings. Heterographic are a group of homophones with different spellings. Many people are perplexed by such English words.

Pore, Pour, and Poor are heterographic words that have various spellings and meanings but sound the same. A word pore refers to a hole or small opening in the skin of humans and animals. The word pour is an English word that refers to the flow of any liquid. On the other hand, the word poor, which has the same pronunciation, refers to someone who lacks access to essential survival necessities.

Pore Pour vs Poor

The main distinction between pore, pour, and poor is that pore refers to a small opening on the skin of a living being. Pour and poor, on the other hand, refer to pouring liquid into any container and a poverty-stricken individual, respectively. All these words create confusion in the human mind by sounding the same.