Difference Between Poster and Banner

Posters and banners both acts as advertisements and notices. In the modern society, they are used to promote a service or product or inform people about something. However, posters and banners are not the same. Posters are made of printed paper and are designed to be attached to walls or other vertical surfaces. Banners are made of vinyl and are designed to be hung from a high place or held by people. This is the main difference between poster and banner.

What is a Poster?

 A poster is a large printed paper that is designed to be attached to a wall or other vertical surface. Posters can typically include both graphics and text; however, they can also be completely textual or graphical. They are usually designed to be attractive and informative at the same time. Since posters are printed on paper, they are cost effective, but they also don’t last long outdoors.

Posters are used for many purposes. They are intended to act as notices or advertisements. They can advertise various events, films, musical shows and they are also used by protestors, propagandists and similar groups trying to communicate a message to the public. There are different types of posters. Some of these include

Political posters, which are used as propaganda

Movie posters, which advertise a newly released film

Event posters, which advertise concerts, boxing matches, etc.

Pin-up posters and band/music posters which are used for promotional purposes

What is a Banner

A banner is a long strip of cloth or vinyl bearing a slogan or design. They are carried in demonstrations, protests or processions or are hung in a public place. They are also used by companies to market their products and services. Banners can be found as billboards, behind window screens, on skyscrapers, and even towed by helicopters. They are often hung much higher than posters.

Banners often contain only a few words such as a slogan. The size of the font is also large. This is probably because they are hung in places where people move quickly. Banners also often stand alone, which make them more noticeable.

When compared to posters, banners are much larger in size. They are rectangular in size and the banners that are hung from someplace are often longer in height. Although banners are more expensive to produce, they are more durable since they are made from vinyl.

What is the difference between Poster and Banner?


Poster: Posters are made of printed paper.

Banner: Banners are made from vinyl or cloth.


Poster: Posters can be of different sizes, but they are generally smaller than banners.

Banner: Banners are typically larger than posters and are rectangular in shape.


Poster: Posters can contain both graphical and textual information; there can be a lot of words.

Banner: Banners typically have only a few words.

Font Size:

Poster: The words in posters may be written in very small letters; this depends on the number of words.

Banner: The words in banners are written in large letters so that they can be read from a distance.


Poster: Posters are not meant to be read from a distance.

Banner: Banners are meant to be read from a distance. 


Poster: Posters are displayed at notice boards, pasted on walls, and other vertical surfaces.

Banner: Banners are hung from high places or held in hands.

 Image Courtesy:

“729829” (Public Domain) via Max Pexel

“20090926 Michigan Wolverines football team enters the field with marching band salute” By flickr user larrysphatpage – (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia