Difference Between Psychic and Medium

Psychic vs Medium

Most people think that a psychic is also a medium or vice versa. However, these two terms are totally different from one another. If you want to get the services of a psychic or a medium, you have to know their different capabilities in order to get accurate insights into the spiritual world.

First of all, a medium has psychic abilities but not all psychics are capable of becoming mediums. A medium can directly communicate with the spirits in the afterlife. This special ability can not be performed by a psychic. A medium serves as a channel between the world of the living and the afterlife which is beyond the abilities of a psychic.

On the other hand, a psychic can foretell the future by using several spiritual channels. For example, a psychic can provide insights for you concerning relationships, career, money, or love. A medium can not foresee these things or future events. Some medium cannot read tarots or harness the power of other spiritual channels like crystal balls, runes, or cards.

A medium reads the messages of the spirits in the afterlife. This means the reader will just transmit to the sitter the messages or signals from the spiritual world. In contrast, a psychic reads your aura and the presence that could influence your future. This means that a psychic directly interacts with the sitter and will not be able to contact the spirits at all.

In most cases, a psychic can commercialize his or her abilities. This is rarely seen among mediums because they can lose their ability to communicate with the spirits if they commercialize their services.

A psychic and a medium are different from each other. Just remember that a psychic reads your aura to foretell your future while a medium reads the messages of the spirits.