Difference Between PubG and Call of Duty (With Table)

Pubg and Call of Duty both add mobile games that provide a person with a blend of enormous warfare that offers so many types of game-play modes. Somehow, both these games have managed to rule the mobile gaming industry over the years, and both are at the top list. However, there has always been a discussion regarding which one is better among these two games as they fall in the same category of mobile gaming.

PubG vs Call of Duty

The main difference between Pubg and Call of Duty is that Pubg is considered a classic troop on the ground royal battle game with standard features that are easy for everyone to pick. In contrast, Call of Duty, on the other side, has advanced features and aspects which are pretty intricate and modern as compared to Pubg.

Pubg is a traditional game-play, having accessible features for people to play. Pubg offers an amazing animation graphic quality making it fun to play with all the feelings a person needs while playing a mobile battles game.

Call of Duty is an advanced mobile game-play that consists of six preset classes where a person can set his player in a default team. The Call of Duty came also consist of customized call-outs for a person playing and his team-mates.

Comparison Table Between PubG and Call Of Duty

Parameters of Comparison


Call of Duty

Basic requirement

A person needs to have a phone with an Android 5.1 or above for using Pubg for game-play.

A person needs to have a phone with an Android 5.1.1 or above for using Call of Duty for game-play.


Pubg game offers real visualizing graphics.

Call of Duty is more of a fast-footed game.


Pubg provides five maps to the players.

Call of Duty offers only two maps to the players.


Pubg has conventional features of playing and accessing the game.

Call of Duty uses a procedure followed which is standard and advanced which is developed as compared to Pubg.

Date of invention

19th of March in the year 2018.

1st of October in the year 2019.

What is PubG?

Pubg is a gaming app on an Android mobile that allows a person to play in a traditional method with multiple features. In Pubg, the game-play is a very smooth functioning game even in a third-person mode. So when a person looks at it from a gaming perspective, then Pubg is the best option to be chosen to play. The full of Pubg is an unknown player battleground. This game can be played on both Android as well as iOS and laptops and computers too. The maps provided in Pubg are gigantic, enormous, and refreshing enough, making it easier for them to move across through enemies.

The Pubg gaming looks so real while playing that it gives the feels of a survival battle. It has a relaxed and more accessible game-play to choose from because of its easy variety of formats offered to a person while playing, even for new users. It has a fantastic feature that helps gear up before going to the battlefield from the plane itself. Today, this game is played by billions a day, having a tremendous impact on the mobile game industry. It was first invented, and the production of this game took place on 19th March 2018.