Difference Between QTP and LoadRunner

QTP vs LoadRunner

QTP stands for Quicktest Professional, a testing tool from the hardware manufacturer, HP. LoadRunner is also testing tool from the same company, but with a different purpose. QTP was developed to simulate and test the user interactions like mouse clicks and keyboard presses. LoadRunner, on the other hand, simulates a heavy load or multiple concurrent users to stress the system.

Both programs are use in fine tuning an application and to locate unforeseen reactions that might not be noticeable during normal operations. This helps the programmers and developers to reproduce the abnormality and trace the code to locate what is causing the problem. After the code is found and corrected, the program can then be debugged and compiled before undergoing the testing again just to make sure that the problem is corrected and that no other problems arise.

In order to realistically simulate how the user uses the system, both programs needs to record how a real person interacts with the program that is being tested. Since QTP tests the GUI, it needs to record which button is clicked or which key is pressed. The recorded actions is then converted to a script. But Loadrunner does not need to concern itself with the GUI, it just routes the command to a proxy, depending on the protocol, and records the commands that are being sent. The recorded commands are then converted to a script which are run on a number of machines called load generators to simulate a lot of users.

These tools are quite useful for a lot of programmers and web developers but not everybody can use them as both programs only works on the Windows operating system. QTP is totally dependent on Windows while you can use UNIX with LoadRunner to some extent. You can use UNIX machines to act as load generators that are running the scripts that were recorded. It might not be much but it gives users a little bit more flexibility.

1.Both are testing tools that are meant to examine how the application would perform in daily use
2.QTP simulates a user’s interactions with the GUI while LoadRunner simulates heavy usage
3.QTP simulates a user by recording its actions on the GUI while LoadRunner doesn’t bother with the GUI but records the commands through a proxy
4.QTP is exclusive to the Windows operating system while you can use UNIX machines as load generators for LoadRunner