Difference Between Raisins and Currants (With Table)

Raisins and currants are well-known kinds of dried organic products. All the more explicitly, they are various kinds of dried grapes. Loaded with fundamental nutrients, minerals, and cancer prevention agents, they’re utilized in various foods all over the world in both sweet and flavorful dishes. Notwithstanding their fame, there is still a ton of disarray in regards to these delicious treats.

Raisins vs Currants

The main difference between raisins and currants is that raisins can easily take on different flavors. On the other hand, currants have weak absorption power. Raisins and currants might improve your stomach-related wellbeing and glucose levels, reduce aggravation, and lower your pulse. On the downside, they are also high in sugar and calories and should be eaten with some restrictions.

Raisins are a kind of grape that has been dried for about three weeks. Grapes obscure as they dry, which gives raisins their dim earthy colored tone. A scope of grape assortments is utilized to make raisins. The size, taste, and shading rely upon the sort of grape utilized. Raisins are dim in shading, have a delicate surface, a sweet flavor, and are normally bigger.

Currants, otherwise called “Zante currants,” are small, dried grapes. Regardless of their name, currants are made by drying an assortment of little, seedless grapes called “Dark Corinth” and “Carina.” Currants are evaporated for three weeks. Because of their little size, they have a sweet, tart, and extraordinary flavor and add surface and pleasantness to both sweet and appetizing dishes.

Comparison Table Between Raisins and Currants

Parameters of Comparison




Raisins are dried grapes, explicitly dried, white-fleshed grapes.

Currants are dried dull, red, seedless grapes.


Dull and bigger than currants.

Hazier in shading.


Delicate and sweet.

Have an extraordinary, sweet, and tart taste.

Absorption powers

Absorb different flavors well indeed.

Try not to absorb different flavors.

Other names

Also called Sultana Bran.

Called Black Corinth grapes.

What is Raisins?

Raisins are dried grapes. This drying system concentrates both the supplements and sugars present in grapes, making raisins supplement and calorie-thick. Raisins started in the Middle East before advancing toward Europe, where they were particularly famous among the Greeks and Romans. 

All things considered, raisins were utilized as cash, as grants in games, and to deal with afflictions like food contamination. Today, raisins are accessible at most grocery stores and come in various shadings relying upon the drying system utilized. Brilliant yellow raisins are usually added to prepared merchandise, while red and earthy colored assortments are well known for nibbling. 

Raisins are a supplement thick food that is negligibly handled, with no additional fixings or additives. But on the other hand, they’re high in sugar and calories, so they should just be eaten with some restraint. Raisins are an incredible nibble choice that can add a scope of supplements to your eating regimen. As a dried organic product, be that as it may, raisins don’t have the water content of standard grapes. 

This makes them less filling than entire leafy foods to indulge. Stick to little divides to try not to add such a large number of calories to your eating regimen. Raisins are additionally a decent wellspring of potassium. As a low-sodium food, raisins are an incredible method for guaranteeing you’re getting sufficient potassium. Some examination shows that raisins can help individuals lose or oversee weight. 

What is Currants?

These are truly dried Corinth grapes that are pretty much little raisins. Genuine currants are little berries that develop on bushes and are more similar to gooseberries. New dark, red, pink, or white currants, also as dried dark currants, can be delighted in different ways. Currants have a sweet and splendid berry flavor, and when eaten fresh, they are scrumptious.

They’re frequently utilized in Dutch and French cooking styles, included in scones, tarts, and other prepared products, or handled into jams, jam, and sauces. Genuine currants are individuals from the Ribes group of blooming bushes that flourish in northern environments with warm summers and cold winters. The small berries fill in groups on stems and are best when permitted to age on the plant. 

Currants have for some time been developed in Europe. They’re pervasive in Denmark, Germany, also the Netherlands, as well as the United Kingdom, and numerous assortments are local to North America. New currants can be utilized like blueberries, and fairly like blackberries or raspberries, in tarts and pies, and different pastries, like sorbets and puddings. 

Use them new in organic product servings of mixed greens, especially berry blends, or embellish pastries with their lovely tone. Dark currants are likewise delectable with game meat and frequently cooked into a basic sauce that is matched with duck or venison. White and pink currants are better, more sensitive, and most frequently utilized new.

Main Differences Between Raisins and Currants

  1. Raisins are dried grapes, unequivocally dried, white-fleshed grapes, and, on the other hand, currants are dried dull, red, seedless grapes.
  2. Raisins are dull and greater than currants though currants are hazier in concealing.
  3. The flavor of raisins is fragile and sweet, and then again, currants have an uncommon, sweet, as well as a tart taste.
  4. Raisins absorb different flavors well, no doubt, and currants take the necessary steps not to hold different flavors.
  5. Raisins are also called Sultana Bran and have different names in different countries, while currants are called Black Corinth grapes and have different names in various countries.


These dried grapes are essential for some sweet and exquisite dishes from around the world. Obviously, they also make a brilliant nibble all alone for youngsters or grown-ups. They’re an extraordinary choice to candy or different desserts, as they regularly fulfill a sugar hankering while at the same time offering a few dietary advantages. 

Raisins and currants are likewise an incredible wellspring of iron. Iron is basic for making red platelets, which transport oxygen to the cells of your body. On the off chance that you don’t get sufficient iron, you might foster sickliness and feel drained, cold, and unwell.‌ They likewise contain calcium and the minor component boron, the two of which are significant for bone and tooth wellbeing.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01635580802295776
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0271531710001375