Difference Between Raisins and Sultanas

Raisins and sultanas look just about the same and in turn, this brings confusion to many. They are both grapes, yes. But they have differences that separate them from each other and because of their subtle nature, they are easily overlooked.


Raisins are defined as dried white grapes and are easily recognizable by many because they are ubiquitous in many markets. These kind of white grapes are made dried to produce a result of a fruit that is both dark and full of sweetness. Raisins are also dried naturally with no need for any other ingredients to perform the task.


Sultanas are produced from grapes that are seedless. By nature, they are also dried white grapes. They have a gold finish and are considered to be sweeter and have more juice than your average raisin. They also look plump when you look at them. Sultanas are dried with the use of vegetable oil and acid and this is how they get their look.

Difference between Raisins and Sultanas

Raisins are popularly from what they call Muscatel kind; Sultanas usually came from the country of Turkey because that is where they are produced. When dried, raisins are done in a natural manner with no added ingredients; sultanas are dried and dipped in acid and vegetable oil. Raisins look dark and taste sweet; sultanas look lighter and are considered sweeter and juicier. While raisins are commonly found in many markets because of their inherent ubiquity; sultanas are mostly hard to find and usually come from countries like Turkey and Greece.

At the end of the day, even if both of them came from grapes, they still do differ in a lot of ways. Be it from their country of origin or the way they are dried, these differences still stand and make them unique.

In brief:

• Raisins are dried naturally, sultanas are dried with the use of vegetable oil and acid

• Raisins look dark and taste sweet; Sultanas are considered sweeter and juicier.