Difference Between Rate and Rate Constant

Rate vs Rate Constant

Physical chemistry is the study of physical or natural phenomena based on the chemical composition of substances. It is used to examine and interpret the chemical properties of matter and how techniques are developed for its use. It is beneficial in the study of the molecular and macroscopic properties of matter and substances. It has three main areas: thermodynamics, which studies chemical reactions’ energetics; quantum chemistry, which studies molecular structures, and chemical kinetics, which studies chemical reaction rates.

Chemical kinetics is also known as reaction kinetics, and it studies the rates of chemical processes. It provides a way to better understand the chemistry of the biological system through insights into the growth of organisms and decomposition.

Reaction rate, rate reaction, or speed of reaction is defined as the measure of how fast or slow a chemical reaction occurs within a limited period of time. It is used in disciplines such as chemical and environmental engineering. It is the speed by which the reactant is converted into the product and is influenced by several factors: the type of reaction, whether it is fast or slow; the concentration of reactants, which affect collision; how much pressure is applied; the order of the reaction; and the temperature.

For example: When baking cookies, one will notice that they will bake faster at higher temperatures than baking them at low temperatures. To cure a headache, medicines will be more effective if given at larger doses.

Reaction rate constant, on the other hand, provides the comparative size or amount of the reaction rate of fixed activities of reactants and products. It is dependent upon the temperature. As temperature varies, so does the reaction rate constant. Likewise, if you add, remove, or change a catalyst (which supplies a path for a reaction), the reaction rate constant is also affected and changes. It will remain constant only if the concentration of reactants is changed.

The units in a reaction rate constant are dependent upon the order of the reaction. It is of the zero order if the concentration is equal to zero (0), of the first order if the concentration is equal to one (1), and of the third order if it is equal to three (3).


1.Reaction rate or rate of reaction is the measure of how fast or slow a chemical reaction occurs in the conversion of a reactant into a product while a reaction rate constant gives a comparative amount of the reaction rates of reactants and products.
2.The rate of reaction is influenced by the types of reaction. These are the types of reaction, the concentration, pressure, and the temperature when the reactions occurs. The reaction rate constant is influenced by the temperature as well as the catalyst.
3.The reaction rate constant will remain constant only if what is changed is the concentration of reactants otherwise it will change much like the rate of reaction.
4.Units in a reaction rate constant are dependent upon the order of the reaction while they are not in a rate of reaction.