Difference Between Red Beans and Kidney Beans (With Table)

Beans are consumed in almost all parts of the world as a delicacy. There are different dishes made with beans. Red beans and kidney beans are the two most common types of beans that are being consumed by people. Red beans are also called Mexican red beans, and they are consumed in some parts of the globe.

Red Beans vs Kidney Beans

The main difference between red beans and kidney beans is that red beans are compact and smaller in size when compared to kidney beans. These red beans are cooked and used in different dishes. Kidney beans are larger, and they are used in different dishes after soaking for about 8 hours in water.

Red beans are oval-shaped and are mild red in color. They have a pink tint in their seed coat and have a very delicate texture. These red beans have a smooth-looking texture. They are an excellent source of water and fiber content. They also have a considerable amount of protein present in them.

Kidney beans are a good source of protein to be consumed. They are called rajma in Indian cuisine. They are used to make gravies and savories to consume. Kidney beans are quite larger in size when compared to red beans. Kidney beans require pre-soaking and boiling to ensure toxin release.

Comparison Table Between Red Beans and Kidney Beans

Parameters of Comparison

Red Beans

Kidney Beans


It is pinkish-red in color.

It is darker red in color with a brownish tint.


It has a delicate and smooth texture.

It is quite hard before soaking and it eventually gets softer after soaking.


Red beans are a staple in Central American cuisine.

They are commonly used in Indian homes.


It is quite compact and smaller in size.

It is large and distorted oval-shaped.


It is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus.

It contains 127 calories per 100 grams of kidney beans. They also contain fiber and protein.

What are Red Beans?

Red beans are used in various cuisines across the globe. They are used in Central American and Mexican cuisine. Red beans have a distinct taste, and they are traditionally made with spices and other condiments to enhance the taste. Rec beans are a part of most central Americans. Red beans and rice are eaten as a hearty lunch by many folks across the globe.

Red beans are quite small and oblong in shape. They have a brittle nature, and they have a lighter color when compared to kidney beans. Red beans are red, but they have a distinct pinkish tint in them. The texture of these beans is smooth. They also have great nutritional value. They are compact in size, and they make a good meal for lunch.

Red beans are packed with nutrients, and they have a great quantity of iron and potassium. It is preferred by many people for its healthy nature. They are also extremely packed with flavor. They also have anti-oxidants. They have a higher portion of iron, making them a good source of iron content.

They are used to make meals such as Mexican red bean burritos, soups, and bean stews. They are also added with rice for a wholesome meal. Red beans are sturdy and remain intact even after boiling and cooking them. These beans are packed with taste and rich flavors.

What are Kidney Beans?

Kidney beans are dried in nature. They are comparatively little large in size. They have the shape of a kidney nephron. They are dark red or brown in color. They have a slightly thicker seed coat. They have lesser smooth skin, and they are packed with protein content. They serve as an important protein source in Indian vegetarians as Indians consume kidney beans or rajma in many forms.

There are a lot of sweet and savory prepared with the addition of kidney beans in them. Kidney beans take a slightly longer time to cook. As it has a thick hard seed coat, one has to ensure to soak the kidney beans for around eight hours for swifter cooking of kidney beans. They are hard when dried, and they consecutively become soft post-cooking.

Soaking is always advised to cook kidney beans as it helps in reducing the toxin content completely that is present in the kidney beans. These toxins should be removed before consumption of kidney beans. In order to remove the toxins in kidney beans, one should soak and boil the kidney beans for the complete eradication of the toxin that is present.

Improperly cooked or partly cooked kidney beans can cause severe digestive issues in a person. They can cause bowel movements leading to nausea. It is also meant to be cooked properly for the timely removal of higher amounts of toxin. It is used as an important ingredient in most Indian cuisines.

Main Differences Between Red Beans and Kidney Beans

  1. Both red beans and kidney beans have different colors as red beans are mildly reddish in color whereas kidney beans are dark red and brown tinted.
  2. Red beans are quite compact in size, whereas kidney beans are larger in size.
  3. Red beans are a staple in the central American diet, whereas kidney beans are cooked and consumed in India.
  4. The texture also varies with both the varieties as red beans are delicate and tender, whereas kidney beans are quite hard.
  5. Red beans are rich in iron, potassium, and phosphorus, whereas kidney beans are rich in protein and fiber.


Both beans are preferred for consumption by the masses. But they have different ways of preparations involved in cooking them. The texture of kidney beans is quite hard, whereas red beans are tender and soft. They have rich nutrient values. Red beans have iron and potassium content, whereas rajma or kidney beans are an excellent source of protein. People try to make different types of savory and sweets out of both of these available beans.

Red beans are quite compact and smaller when compared to kidney beans. Kidney beans are also called rajma in northern parts of India.


  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7777998/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30990903/