Difference Between Relational and Transactional Selling

Relational selling and transactional selling are two important styles of selling. ‘Sales’ is one field where different approaches are used by a sales person to maximize his sales. Out of these approaches, relational and transactional are very popular and are different styles of selling. Both have distinct features and pros and cons with some adopting a mixture of the two selling styles. Let us try to find out these two types of selling.

Relational selling, as the name implies, entails developing long term relationship with the customers. This type of selling requires development of trust and feelings of comfort in the minds of prospective customers. It is also referred to as solution selling as the salesperson is focused on finding a need based solution for his clients.

Transactional selling on the other hand focuses more on carrying out the transaction rather than anything else. Closing the sale is more important and so these types of salesmen are action oriented and they are seen traveling most of the time.

It is not possible to stick to one or the other style of selling as each prospect is different and sales personnel have the knack of knowing which type of selling is suitable for which customer. If one thinks of a spectrum, then transactional selling is on one end and relational selling on the other end. Though salesmen have their leanings for one or the other style, they are quick to jump to the other end of the spectrum if they feel that style suits more to a prospective client and will help in closing the deal sooner. It is always better to have a blend of relational selling and transactional selling in your approach as you can be quick in closing the sales and yet be able to make strong feelings of faith and trust with your clients.

In brief:

• Relational and transactional selling are two important types of approaches in sales.

• Relational focuses more on the client and his needs while transactional selling focuses more on closing the deal.

• Clients are more comfortable with a salesman having relational selling approach, but a salesman having transactional selling is more action oriented and closes deals sooner.