Difference Between Renewable and Non-renewable Resources

Renewable vs Non-renewable Resources

Nature has gifted us with a lot of products without which we would not be in the conditions we are today. Today, we might say that we are “developed,” but it would not have been possible without the gifts that the Mother Earth has provided us.

Almost all types of resources from nature are used by human beings. Some resources are limitless and some are limited and will soon be extinct along with their tracks on this planet. Some might be used again while some will lie around unused and simply go to waste.

Renewable Resources
Renewable resources are those resources which can be renewed or replaced over time. Great examples of infinite, renewable resources are: wind, sunlight, tides, biomass, etc. Some of the renewable resources are supposed to have continuous supplies, such as wind energy and solar energy, while some others take a greater time in their renewal like wood, oxygen, etc.

Geothermal energy is another good example of renewable resources. It is the source of energy which is extracted from the heat which is stored under the surface of the Earth. This source is considered to be cost efficient and mostly sustainable. It is found in the form of inactive volcanic sites and hot springs. This form of energy may be utilized in heating, generating electricity, and heat pumps. Geothermal energy is a sustainable source as the hot water seeps down into the crust again.

A biomass is also considered a renewable resource if used properly.

Non-renewable Resources
Non-renewable resources are those natural resources which cannot be renewed once they are completely consumed. The resources which are replenished very slowly are also considered non-renewable resources. This is because these resources will not be available again or available only after a long time.

The best examples of non-renewable resources are fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gases. Fossil fuels are produced by the decay of animal and plant matter. Their rate of production is very slow as compared to the rate of their extraction and consumption.

Another example of a non-renewable resource is our lifetime. Once used up, any individual cannot get back lost time. Other good examples of non-renewable resources are; nuclear fuels, minerals, and shale.
Water is a controversial resource which can be categorized as both a renewable and non-renewable resource. The cyclic change of water makes it a renewable resource while its unmanaged usage is making it a non-renewable resource.



1.Renewable resources are those which can be used again and again while non-renewable resources are those which are used only for a limited time and rate.
2.Renewable resources have a higher rate of decomposition than their rate of consumption.
3.Non-renewable resources have a lower rate of decomposition than the rate of consumption.
4.Examples of renewable resources are all the biodegradable materials and infinite, renewable resources are sunlight and wind.
5.Examples of non-renewable resources are minerals and man-made products.
Other than only resources, we also have renewable sources of energy like sunlight and wind energy while non-renewable sources of energy are like batteries.