Difference Between Robot and Artificial Intelligence (With Table)

Robots and Artificial Intelligence do have a common field. This is why people, in general, tend to think they are the same thing. However, they are two very different aspects. In fact, they are two individual ways of classifying certain observations as well as logic. Robots define hardware whereas Artificial Intelligence defines the software. They both are just somewhere linked to computer science. However, the logic and act differently.

This is why knowing about their details is important. Their working principle and focus help us to understand the fine line of difference. Let us find out some interesting facts about the respective fields and chalk out the differences ourselves.

Robot vs Artificial Intelligence

The main difference between Robot and Artificial Intelligence is that Robot is hardware whereas Artificial Intelligence is software. A robot is defined as a mechanical device that can be designed to perform several functions. It can be simple and complex and it can move. Artificial Intelligence is a program that is developed to solve difficult programs.

A robot is related to the branch of Robotics. It is a mechanical device designed by us. It comprises movable body parts that make our work simpler. They may be complex or simple according to the way they are designed. In the modern world, Robots are being used very effectively. Starting from medical tests to underwater exploration, it has succeeded multiple times. They are controlled by humans and carry a certain particular set of pieces of information.

Artificial Intelligence is related to the branch of computer science that deals with programming. To be more specific, it is the type of software that focuses on the development of programs. As the name suggests, it has a system brain of its own. Hence, it provides automated responses. It focuses to create a digital world where it can compete with human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence has been very much demanding in the modern world. It excels in analyzing information and computations.

Comparison Table Between Robot and Artificial Intelligence

Parameters of Comparison


Artificial Intelligence


It is hardware-based.

It is software-based.


It is a mechanical device.

It is a computer-based program.


It mainly focuses on the physical world.

It mainly focuses on analyzing information and performing computation.


Robots do possess a body made up of different parts.

Artificial Intelligence itself does not possess any mechanical body parts.


It works on a certain limited set of instructions.

Artificial Intelligence is designed to have a system brain on its own.

What is Robot?

Robots are hardware machines dedicated to performing some particular task. They are designed accordingly to carry out the desired task. It is a very important field in modern technology and there are various scopes.

Their capacities differ depending on the way they are designed. Robots can be classified according to their power. Their body parts can be assembled to perform complex actions.

They can also be arranged with simple parts which act as a small moving body performing light actions. They are also used in automobile manufacturing and other mechanical applications in various industries. In addition to these, robots are very important in the laboratory for various researches.

Its demand is increasing day by day due to the high rise and success. Recently, they have had a high demand for surgical applications as well. In the upcoming future, we expect a surprising development in the field of robotics.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence deals with the software section of computer science. It is totally program-based. It is developed to perform actions equivalent to human intelligence. The main aim of Artificial Intelligence is to create an efficient digital world. They are designed to solve complex problems.

These days all electronic gadgets are based on Artificial Intelligence. Google Assistance is the most common example of Artificial Intelligence. In this advanced technology, Artificial Intelligence plays a very important role in the field of gaming. Online games use the feature to display their platform. It attracts the players and helps to design various formats in the game to challenge the players. Chess and poker are the most common.

Artificial Intelligence can be developed to receive the input and execute their output on their own. Let us take the example of an Artificial Intelligence integrated chatbox. When we ask some question, it is actually a bot to whom we are asking.

It is designed in such a way that it processes out the input and provides us with an instant reply. This is the special ability of Artificial Intelligence. The process is really quick as well as automatic.

Main Differences Between Robot and Artificial Intelligence

  1. The main difference between Robots and Artificial Intelligence is their working principle. Robots mainly focus on the physical world. Whereas, Artificial Intelligence mainly focuses on analyzing information and performing computation.
  2. Coming to the basic and the most distinctive point of difference. Robots are hardware-based whereas Artificial Intelligence is software-based.
  3. It mainly focuses on the development in the physical world. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence mainly focuses on analyzing information and performing computation.
  4. Coming to their system format, Robots can work on a certain limited set of instructions. However, Artificial Intelligence is designed to have a system brain on its own.
  5. Robots do have a body made up of different parts or tools. They can be simple or complex. Artificial Intelligence itself is not some kind of device. It is the programming.


Robots and Artificial Intelligence both have a common area of research. However, neither of them is a subset of the other. They are two separate fields of science and are very much important in modern technologies. Sometimes, Artificial Intelligence is combined with Robots to design certain programs. This leads to an even more developed device.

These two can work hand in hand to create an even smarter world. A robot can have an inbuilt Artificial Intelligence in them. That does not make them the same thing but when combined, they do create a better world. In the future, we expect to see a lot more developments.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=pmYyDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Difference+Between+Robot+and+Artificial+Intelligence&ots=oe7grEiPNx&sig=4zvHvTqbfVehl2-D6HaQBCN-CME
  2. https://direct.mit.edu/artl/article-abstract/1/1_2/75/2271