Difference Between Rogaine and Minoxidil (With Table)

Hair loss can adversely affect a person’s scalp, body and most importantly, confidence. Most of the time, such a situation is either genetic or hereditary. However, people suffering from it can seek treatment easily and recover.

Rogaine and Minoxidil are two terms that are used extensively in the hair growth industry. The difference between them is very subtle.

Rogaine vs Minoxidil

The main difference between Rogaine and Minoxidil is that Rogaine is the brand name of a drug that people use to promote hair growth. On the other hand, Minoxidil is the active ingredient present in Rogaine and was initially used to treat high blood pressure. Later, it was pronounced to be an effective solution for hair loss.

Rogaine is the brand name of a drug that is used to treat hair loss and baldness. The treatment is approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States and is available over the counter. It comes in liquid form or foam and can be used by both males and females.

Minoxidil is the generic name of Rogaine. It is also an active ingredient that is used in numerous hair treatment drugs that have come into the market these days. The drug is applied on the scalp, where it supposedly works by enlarging hair follicles and lengthening the process of hair growth.

Comparison Table Between Rogaine and Minoxidil

Parameters of Comparison




Rogaine is a drug used to treat male and female hair pattern baldness.

Minoxidil is the active ingredient present in Rogaine as well as other hair treatment drugs.


Rogaine is a brand name.

Minoxidil is a generic name.


Rogaine was launched in the year 1996.

Minoxidil came into the markets in the year 1986.


Rogaine claims to treat hair loss within 4 months only.

Minoxidil claims to treat hair loss between 4-12 months of use.


Rogaine products are approved by the US FDA for sale and use.

The US FDA has currently put a ban on Minoxidil.

What is Rogaine?

Rogaine is the brand name of a drug that is used to treat certain kinds of hair loss in men and women. It is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and is available over the counter. It comes in liquid and foam form and is meant to be applied to the scalp. In doing so, it is claimed that the drug works within four months of use.

The medication is known to dilate blood vessels, as a result of which hair follicles on the scalp get enlarged. This promotes the lengthening of the ‘hair growth phase’. Since more hair follicles come into the picture in this phase, the hair coverage on the scalp increases. Rogaine is known to work to some extent; however, it may not be an effective solution for everyone.

Rogaine is generally safe to use, and it is quite rare for it to show side effects. However, the ones that persist are usually not that serious. Some of the common side effects of using this drug include scalp irritation, abnormal hair growth on the forehead and adjacent areas, as well as changes in hair colour and texture. Other rare side effects include unexplained weight gains, dizziness, chest pain and swelling of the limbs.

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is the generic name of a hair loss treatment drug for males and females. It is the active ingredient in many other treatments including Rogaine. The medication was launched into the markets in 1986 as a treatment for hypertension or high blood pressure. However, it was later patented as a solution for pattern hair loss.

The drug is available in oral tablet form with prescription as well as in liquid and foam when buying over the counter. It promotes hair growth when ingested or applied to the scalp. However, the way it works is still unclear regardless of various research conducted on it. According to users, it takes quite a while to work when applied persistently and manufacturers claim that it may take between 4-12 months for effective results to be noticed.

Most users of the medication report that it is well tolerated. However, some rare side effects including itching, redness, irritation, and unwanted hair growth in other parts of the body may occur. Other side effects may include rashes, swelling, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, unexplained weight gain, dizziness, headaches and even tachycardia. Therefore. It is always advisable to use this medication under the supervision of a medical professional.

Main Differences Between Rogaine and Minoxidil

  1. Rogaine is a medication used to treat hair loss while Minoxidil is the active ingredient present in Rogaine.
  2. Rogaine is a brand name while Minoxidil is a generic name.
  3. Rogaine was launched in the year 1998 while Minoxidil came into the markets in the year 1986.
  4. Rogaine claims to show results within four months of use while Minoxidil claims to show effective results between four to twelve months of use.
  5. Rogaine is approved for sale and use by the US FDA while Minoxidil is currently banned.


Understanding the difference between Rogaine and Minoxidil can be a difficult endeavour considering that they are almost one in the same thing. However, a subtle difference between them is that Rogaine is the brand name of a medication for hair loss while Minoxidil is the generic name for it. Along with Rogaine, Minoxidil is the active ingredient present in other hair loss treatments as well.

Other differences between the two include the fact that Rogaine is claimed to be more efficient than Minoxidil. While Rogaine takes only four months to show results, Minoxidil may take between four to twelve months. Moreover, while Rogaine is approved for sale and use by the US FDA, Minoxidil is banned.

Nonetheless, Rogaine should be used after legitimate consultation and under the supervision of a medical expert. Also, if any side effects are seen, one must rush to a hospital immediately.


  1. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/abs/10.7326/0003-4819-94-1-61
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1081/CLT-100102457