Difference Between Roma and Truss Tomatoes

Solanumlycopersicum is the scientific name for the common tomato, which comes under family: Solanaceae. It is consumed as a fruit or vegetable and can be eaten as raw or processed product. The varietal difference is very high in tomato due to the requirement of supplying high demand, growing area, genetical modifications, and different growth patterns. Tomato contains several beneficial health effects due to the presence of lycopene and several other vitamins. Although it is perennial from its origin, it is cultivated as an annual crop for the agricultural purposes. This article reviews two types of tomato; namely Roma and Truss. However, truss is not simply a variety, but well known as a structure of tomato plant. Therefore, the main aim of this article is to provide a good clarification on both types.

Roma Tomato

Roma is one of the tomato varieties commonly found in super markets. They are also known as Italian tomatoes or Italian plum tomatoes. It is prominently available in red and yellow colors, and the shape is pear or egg shaped. Some of the major areas growing Roma tomatoes are United States, Australia and Mexico. As like other tomatoes, Roma is also canned and made into sauce as preservation methods for prolonging the shelf life of tomatoes. Less number of seeds and smaller seeds in Roma facilitate the above processes. In addition to those advantageous characteristics, Roma tomato has many other merits present in its physiology. Roma tomatoes grow as vines, which have determinate passion of growth. Therefore, it acquires a fairly high fruit bearing ability. Some of the genetically improved Roma types are resistant to some of the common diseases such as fusarium wilt and verticillium.

Truss Tomato

Tomato truss is a stem, which carries a bunch of tomato flowers. Sometimes those trusses can be confused with some of the other parts in tomato plant such as side shoots. However, by looking at the plant very carefully trusses and side shoots can be differentiated easily. Trusses are growing straight up from the main stem. Again tomato trusses can be considered as an indicator for several purposes. By observing the growth pattern of trusses, we can determine about controlling of fruit bearing and fertilizer application. When four to five trusses are set, it is advisable to prune the plant at the top and facilitate fruit maturing. Also, fertilizer application is recommended at the point where the first or second truss appears.


What is the difference between Roma Tomato and Truss Tomato?

• Roma is a common type of tomato used in preparing sauces and pastes.

• Trusses are normally found in all the tomato types and bear flower bunches. Those flower buds develop into mature flowers and tomato fruits, later.

• Truss tomatoes are facilitated for an erect growth rather than making more side shoots. Development of initial tomato trusses can be facilitated by pruning the plant from its top.

• Most of the truss type tomatoes are grown under specific glass house conditions or in green houses as hydroponics.