Difference Between Romans and Greeks

Romans vs Greeks

While Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome are often confused for one another, there are many differences between the two.  Both countries are Mediterranean yet have social class differences, different mythology and valued life differently.  Ancient Greece thrived in the 5th century B.C., while Rome did not thrive for hundreds of years later. It is believed that much of what Rome used in everyday life was adopted from the ancient Greek civilization, however with minor alterations.

Socially, both the Greek and Roman societies believed in a hierarchy.  Greece divided their social systems into five categories: slaves, freedmen, metics, citizens and women.  In the Grecian civilization, women were not given a position, they were considered to be less than slaves.  Rome’s society was divided into four different categories: freedmen, slaves, plebeians, and patricians.  In the Roman society, women were not treated as lesser individuals, as they were in Greece.  Rather women were considered citizens, if they were not born into slavery, however they were not able to hold political offices or vote.

The Greeks and the Romans are also historically remembered for their contributions to today’s building architecture.  The Greeks were responsible for incorporating three different architecture styles: Corinthian, Doric and Ionic.  Greek architecture inspired the Romans, who in turn adopted Grecian style however they incorporated arches and aqueducts in their buildings.  Another architectural notation is that the Greeks chose to use statuesque figures honoring the human form, while Romans seemed to focus more on the actual building design and technique.  The Greeks used materials like plaster, wood, marble and metals to create their architecture.  While the Romans used some of the same materials, they were also responsible for the incorporation of concrete as a new building material, something the Greeks never had.

Both Greece and Rome are probably most famous for the mythological stories, which developed from both civilizations.  However, it is believed that the stories from the Greek culture, were adopted by the Romans with minor changes to names and certain situations.  An example is the famous manuscript The Iliad, produced by the Greeks.  Similarly nearly 700 years later, the Romans produced a similar manuscript, The Aeneid. Often, at times, what created mythological differences between the two, are the values of the people and their outlook on life.  Greeks focused on their behavior on the now, never planning on life after death.  Romans believed that if they were ideal and model citizens they could become Gods in the afterlife.

1. Much of what Rome incorporated into their civilization, was adopted from the Ancient Greek civilization.

2. Grecian women were not considered valuable to society.  Both Greece and Rome were centered around a social hierarchy.

3. The Greeks created three different types of architecture.  Rome incorporated the arch into their architectural styles and also were credited with the usage of concrete as a building material.

4. Mythology stories from both civilizations are similar, even though Greeks focused on their lives, were as Romans focus on the afterlife.