Difference Between Rye Bread and Pumpernickel Bread (With Table)

If someone relies on interest in foods and nutrition then knowing about the fact that, since past several years carbohydrates have a very bad reputation. Cutting the refined starches and unnecessary sugars from the diet is not an unhealthy practice. However, plenty of ways are available when delicious and tasty items can be consumed by cutting the carbohydrates and sugar down. Thus, many people switch to brown rice from white rice and to whole-grain bread from white bread. These choices convert the dubious ones into healthier ones.

Although whole wheat bread is a very common choice among the health-freak people, other types of bread such as pumpernickel bread and rye bread are a good alternative as well. The blurry confusions regarding the difference between pumpernickel bread and rye bread will be clear in this article. However, all pumpernickel bread is rye bread. On the contrary, all rye bread is not pumpernickel bread.

Rye Bread vs Pumpernickel Bread

The main difference between rye bread and pumpernickel bread is that rye bread appears as light, dark or of mixed colours of light and dark. Whereas, Pumpernickel bread always appears dark. Rye bread is comparatively less sweetened and flavoured in comparison to the pumpernickel bread.

Rye bread either appears light, dark or mixed colours of light and dark. The flour used for making rye bread is endosperm ground flour. Regular rye bread is comparatively less dark and less flavoured than pumpernickel bread. The flour that is used to make rye bread is generally smooth or not coarse—Rye bread aisless sweetened.

Pumpernickel bread appears dark. The flour used for making pumpernickel bread is whole berry ground flour. Pumpernickel bread is strongly flavoured. The flour that is used to make pumpernickel bread is ground coarsely. Pumpernickel bread is more sweetened as it is baked slowly for a long time over low heat.

Comparison Table Between Rye Bread and Pumpernickel Bread

Parameters of Comparison

Rye Bread

Pumpernickel Bread


Light, dark, mixed


Flour used

Endosperm ground flour

Whole berry ground flour

Texture of Flour

Smooth or not coarse

ground coarsely


Less flavoured

Strongly flavoured


Less sweetened

More sweetened

What is Rye Bread?

There are three types or forms of rye bread. They are dark rye bread, light rye bread and marbled rye bread. When the rye berry’s central endosperm is being ground and mixed with the white rye flour, then light rye bread is prepared. However, the flour prepared should not contain the outer seed coat, the germ or the bran. Thus, the bread formed under this process comes out purely white.

Dark rye bread is prepared either by colouring the flour by adding molasses and cocoa powder. Or a darker version of rye flour is used to prepare the bread. The flour contains colouring pigments and ground coarsely. When a mixture of dark and light rye flour is made into dough and rolled together, marble rye bread is prepared. As the flours almost form uniformity when baked and are of the same density as well.

What is Pumpernickel Bread?

Pumpernickel bread is prepared or formed from flour that is called pumpernickel flour itself. The flour is generally made from rye berries when ground coarsely. In specific customised recipes, the crumbs of other breeds are also added into the dough of the making of the pumpernickel bread. Usually, the loaves of the pumpernickel bread are dark due to the addition of the strong flavouring and dense as well.

Over two hours, the pumpernickel bread is steam baked in low heat. Therefore, due to the melting of the natural sugar present in the pumpernickel bread, the bread becomes darker and sweet. 

Pumpernickel bread can not be made quickly. This bread is formed from dark rye flour, which is ground coarsely, and the pieces of the cracked rye are larger. The cracked rye requires to be soaked underwater for the whole night so that it can be softened up.

Main Differences Between Rye Bread and Pumpernickel Bread

  1. Rye bread either appears light, dark or mixed colours of light and dark. However, pumpernickel bread appears dark.
  2. The flour used for making rye bread is endosperm ground flour. Whereas the flour used for making pumpernickel bread is whole berry ground flour.
  3. The flour that is used to make rye bread is generally smooth or not coarse. However, the flour that is used to make pumpernickel bread is ground coarsely.
  4. Regular rye bread is comparatively less dark and less flavoured than pumpernickel bread. On the other hand, pumpernickel bread is strongly flavoured.
  5. Rye bread is less sweetened. Whereas pumpernickel bread is more sweetened as it is baked slowly for a long time over low heat.


Although, it is very difficult to cut down the carbohydrates and starch fully from the diet. But inculcating healthier options is a good choice. At least counting on rye bread and Pumpernickel bread is better than counting on white bread. There are several types of bread available in the market according to the type of flour used. However, rye bread generally requires a lot of conventional approaches. As it is prepared from an amalgamation of wheat flour, dark and light rye flour in varying amount. Wheat flour is generally used for gluten.

Out of all the pumpernickel bread available, german Pumpernickel bread is coarse and a bit sweet. Rye bread is made when cracked rye grains are soaked in water overnight with some amount of whole-grain flour. These bread are one of the best and healthier options of bread available in the market. These bread are even loaded with amazing health benefits. Pumpernickel bread is prepared from a hundred per cent of rye flour. And it is a type of rye bread. However, all rye bread is not pumpernickel bread.


  1. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jafc.9b06220
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=eZjIfud742wC&oi=fnd&pg=PA159&dq=rye+bread+Pumpernickel+bread&ots=QSWvyprpAF&sig=p70tWg0Z6vRmVLjuxyZb03p7Nd8