Difference Between Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccine

The key difference between Salk and Sabin polio vaccine is that Salk polio vaccine, which was the first effective polio vaccine, is an inactivated vaccine while Sabin polio vaccine is a live but an attenuated oral vaccine developed after Salk vaccine.

Polio or poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. The infection causes muscle weaknesses leading to inability to move or walk. In severe conditions, polio may cause paralysis and death. The most effective solution for this disease is vaccination. Salk polio vaccine and Sabin polio vaccine are two vaccines developed against poliovirus. Salk vaccine came first, and then the Sabin vaccines came and replaced the Salk vaccine.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Salk Polio Vaccine
3. What is Sabin Polio Vaccine
4. Similarities Between Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccine
5. Side by Side Comparison – Salk vs Sabin Polio Vaccine in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is Salk Polio Vaccine?

Salk polio vaccine is the first effective vaccine developed against poliovirus to combat polio disease. It is an inactivated or killed vaccine. Therefore, it contains all three types of polioviruses in killed form. Though the infectivity is no longer in the vaccine, the immunogenicity exists. Hence, it develops immunity against the poliovirus after administration.

Figure 01: Dr Jonas Salk, Developer of Salk Vaccine

Once administered, the body produces IgG antibodies. Since the vaccine contains killed viruses, it is unable to infect the host. Hence, it does not cause poliomyelitis.

What is Sabin Polio Vaccine?

Sabin polio vaccine is a live, but an attenuated vaccine. It also consists of all three types of polioviruses. Moreover, it is an oral vaccine, unlike the Salk vaccine. Sabin vaccine provides long term immunity against poliovirus.

Figure 02: Sabin Polio Vaccine

It has the ability to infect cells and cause poliomyelitis as well. Once this vaccine enters our body, our body produces both IgG and IgA antibodies. Furthermore, sabin vaccine is better than the Salk vaccine in protecting non-immunized recipients. Moreover, sabin vaccine is better in inducing protective mucosal immunity than Salk vaccine. It is why Sabin vaccine replaced the Salk vaccine.

What are the Similarities Between Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccine?

  • Salk and Sabin polio vaccines are vaccines against the poliovirus and polio disease.
  • Both are effective vaccines.
  • They contain all three serotypes of poliovirus.
  • Hence, both vaccines produce immunity against all three serotypes of poliovirus.

What is the Difference Between Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccine?

Salk and Sabin are two types of polio vaccines. Salk vaccine is an inactivated vaccine while Sabin vaccine is a live but an attenuated vaccine. So, this is the key difference between Salk and Sabin polio vaccine. Furthermore, sabin vaccine is better than the Salk vaccine in protecting non-immunized recipients. Also, another difference between Salk and Sabin polio vaccine is that the Salk vaccine is injected while the Sabin vaccine is given orally.

The below infographic summarizes the difference between Salk and Sabin polio vaccine in tabular form.

Summary – Salk vs Sabin Polio Vaccine

Salk and Sabin polio vaccines are two types of vaccine available against poliomyelitis. Both vaccines contain all three serotypes of poliovirus. Further, both are effective vaccines against the poliovirus. However, Salk vaccine is an inactivated vaccine while Sabin vaccine is a live vaccine but contains attenuated viruses. So, it is the key difference between Salk and Sabin polio vaccine. Moreover, Salk vaccine should be injected while Sabin vaccine should be given orally.