Difference Between Scientology and Christian Science (With Table)

Scientology and Christian Science are both often confused with each other as they are considered as branches of Christianity. In fact, Scientology is often considered as a nickname. Scientology and Christian Science

Apart from this, there are other reasons as well as to why they are mistaken for each other. The belief for both religions is that when each is applied to any case the results are as expected. Also, in the past, both religions avoided medical practices. They consider their faith more effective for medical purposes and treatments. Basically, they are totally different religions having very few things in common.

Scientology vs Christian Science

The main difference between Scientology and Christian Science is that Scientology was established in 1953 and it was an independent religion. It is initiated by L. Ron Hubbard. On the other hand, Christian Science was established in 1879 and it was a Christian denomination. It was initiated by Mary Baker Eddy.

Comparison Table Between Scientology and Christian Science



Christian science

Founded by

L. Ron Hubbard

Mary Baker Eddy.

Founded in




Independent religion

Christian denomination


This does not mainly focus on God as the creator of everything. According to Scientology ‘thetan’ is the creator.

This mainly focuses on God and Jesus and respects the divinity of the Bible.


The churches have their audit meetings everyday lasting from morning to night.

The churches have weekly services that are held on Sundays lasting usually for an hour. 


It is believed that audits help to achieve salvation. Obtaining a ‘clear’ state is the first objective and becoming ‘operating thetan’ is the second objective.

It is believed that God helps to achieve salvation. Jesus or God provides power and wisdom. He helps remove sickness, sins, and death.


It is believed that some men have mental attitudes that are aggressive. Scientologists deal with such crimes and misconduct. 

It is thought that sin is the misled state of mind. Only Jesus Christ can help to get free of sins.


‘Engrams’ is used to help men achieve the state of ‘clear’.

God and his love is supreme in mind healing.

What is Scientology?

‘Scientology’ has been formed from two words, ‘scio’ and ‘logos’. ‘Scio’ is a Latin word which means to know, in the full sense. ‘Logos’ is a Greek word which means how to know. 

It was first founded in 1953 by L. Ron Hubbard and it provided a path for people to follow in order to understand their true religious nature and their connection with self and others. 

It is believed that man’s mind acknowledges life’s traumas and keeps him away from reality. The auditors try to understand this trauma and find its origin. Then they try to help them achieve the state of ‘clear’.

What is Christian Science?

Christian Science was first founded in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy and it was defined as the ‘Law of God’. 

The term ‘Christian Science’ in itself explains that it originates from Christianity. It mainly concentrates on God and Christ and its teachings are also based on God.  The Bible is considered very sacred and is an important part of man’s life. 

It is believed that God is the only one who can help one to be free from sins. He helps man to not commit wrong deeds and have evil thoughts.

Main Differences Between Scientology and Christian Science

  1. Scientology and Christian Science are different in their concepts about God.
    Christian Science comes from Christianity. Basically, its main focus is on Jesus and God and the faith and practice are based on God. Bible is also considered sacred and holy. They also follow and acknowledge the authority and holiness of the Bible. Christian Science focuses on Christ’s objective to expand God’s kingdom.
    On the other hand, Scientology does not consider God as the creator of everything. It deals with therapeutic help for people. It helps to fulfill human capability. Scientology considers ‘thetan’ as the creator.
  2. The Christian Science churches conduct services every Sunday which lasts for about an hour. During this service, the parishioners pray and read the Bible and other Christian beliefs.
    The Church of Scientology, on the other hand, conduct their services on all days of the week for training courses which last from morning to night. The auditors are skilled in Scientology.
  3. There is also a difference in the concept of sins between Scientology and Christian Science.
    In Christian Science, the misled mind state is thought to be a sin. is considered to be a deceived state of mind. If one wants to raise himself he should understand the real meaning of evil. It is believed that only Jesus and God can help to get rid of the sins.
    Scientology believes that some men have wrong mental attitudes and are violent and aggressive. It has its own justice method wherein the Scientologists deal with such crimes and misconducts.
  4. Christian Science was established by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 whereas Scientology was initiated by L. Ron Hubbard in 1953.
  5. Christian Science is basically a Christian denomination whereas Scientology is an independent religion.
  6. In Christian Science salvation is achieved through God. He helps to provide wisdom and power and his spiritual understanding removes all sins, sickness, or deaths.
    On the other hand, in Scientology, salvation is achieved through audits. The first objective is to obtain a ‘clear’ state and the second objective is to become ‘operating thetan’.
  7. Another point of difference between the two is in the matter of healing.
    In Christian Science God and his love is considered primary in mind healing whereas in Scientology ‘Engrams’ help men achieve the state of ‘clear’.


Christian Science and Scientology are often confused with each other as their names are very similar. In reality, both of them are very different. They were established by different people at different times. 

Basically, the major difference between them is about their beliefs. Christian Science originates from Christianity and preaches the Bible and teachings of Christ. On the other hand, Scientology does not totally believe in God or any Supreme Being. centers the individual more than any Supreme Being.


  1. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/003803857500900105
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=r-FYQv75w7kC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=christian+science&ots=KZE9CRQfEH&sig=LhWDb8kOFDP0PtUYSMiR0jffEME