Difference Between Sea Lions and Walrus (With Table)

Sea lions and walrus belong to the same types of animals named the pinnipeds. Even though the body shape and appearance of a sea lion and walrus are the same, differentiating them isn’t that big a deal. Both have they are different based on what they feed, their characteristic, behavior, and living conditions with respective habitat.

Sea Lions vs Walrus

The main difference between sea lions and walrus is that sea lion have external flaps near their ears which helps them move faster, and on the other hand, the walrus does not have any external flaps as such to their body which would have helped them move fast and given them an external feature to their appearance, unlike seal lions.

Sea lions are aquatic animals that belong to the pinnipeds category of the family. Seals and sea lions all belong to the same family, which is knows as the override family. These types of mammals are commonly known to common people as eared seals. In some regions and countries, they are also called fur seals.

The walrus is an aquatic mammal. It is huge in size, and it’s mostly found in arctic seas. The botanical name of a walrus is (Odobenus rosmarus). There lie about two species of walrus that are the Atlantic walrus and the Pacific walrus. The botanical name of the Atlantic walrus is (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) and that of Pacific walrus is (O. rosmarus divergens).

Comparison Table Between Sea Lions and Walrus

Parameters of Comparison

Sea Lions


External flaps

Sea lions have external flaps near their ears.

Walrus does not have any external flaps as such to their body.

Babies called

A baby sea lion is called a pup.

A baby walrus is called a calve.

Found in

Sea lions are usually found in both hemispheres that is the subarctic to the tropical waters.

The walrus is usually found in the northern hemisphere in the Arctic and subarctic seas.

Comparison of size

Sea lions are small in size as compared to walrus.

Walrus are huge in size as compared to sea lions.

Tusks and stiff

Tusks and stiff whiskers are smaller in sea lions as compared to walrus.

Tusks and stiff whiskers are long in walrus as compared to sea lions.

What is Sea Lions?

Sea lions are aquatic animals that belong to the pinnipeds category of the family. Seals and sea lions all belong to the same family, which is knows as the override family. These types of mammals are commonly known to common people as eared seals. In some regions and countries, they are also called fur seals.

There are so many varieties of sea lions all over the world, and out of them, there are seven well-known types of seal lions. They are the Japanese Sea Lion, Australian Sea Lion, South America Sealion, New Zealand Sea Lion, Galapagos Sea Lion, Steller Sea Lion, California Sea Lion.

Sea lions have a body type that looks like a torpedo shape. This helps them for gliding in water. They have amazing eyesight and can see better inside water than on land. They never live alone. They always live in herds in water and land. Sea lions are so fast that they can cover a speed of 25 kilometers per hour.