Difference Between Season and Weather

The terms weather and season describe the prevailing geographical characteristics of a specific region regarding climate and other aspects that define the atmosphere which include humidity and temperature among others caused by earth movements and changing atmospheric conditions.


What is Weather?

The term weather describes the immediate change of climatic conditions in a specific region with time which is usually measured within short periods which include hours or days.

Some of the factors that can be used to measure the changing weather of a specific geographical position include temperature, humidity, and the speed of the wind at a given time.

What is a Season?

The term season is used to describe the changing weather and climatic conditions that are caused by the revolution of the earth around the sun.

When the earth moves around the sun, some parts face away from the sun making them experience winter while those that face the earth experience hot airs causing changes in weather and climatic conditions.


Difference Between Season and Weather

Meaning of Season and Weather

One of the main difference between weather and season arises from the meaning of the two terms as used by scientists and meteorologists.

Weather means the daily temperature, precipitation, winds, and the amount of the sunshine that hits the earth surface among other aspects.

The term season is used to describe general weather conditions of a specific region which takes an average period of three months.

Causes of Season and Weather

The daily changes in the weather of a specific region are usually influenced by the topography of that place. For example, regions close to a large water body have high humidity and are likely to experience convectional rainfall in the evening after a hot day.

In addition, the rotation of the earth on its axis and the revolution of the earth around the sun has significant impacts on the prevailing weather conditions of a place.

On the other hand, seasons are specifically caused by the revolution of the earth around the earth and on its orbit.

Lasting Duration for Season and Weather

The period at which weather and season last in a specific geographical location varies with time. Weather conditions are described as daily patterns of temperature, humidity, and wind. However, these patterns are likely to change within few hours or last for several days.

On the other hand, a season lasts for more than three months where a region experiences a combination of several weather patterns which may include high temperatures and dry winds with low humidity to ice regions with negative temperatures. Seasons are known to last for three to four months.

Area of Coverage for Season and Weather

Weather changes between short distances where one is likely to experience different atmospheric conditions in two areas which are several miles apart. For example, a city can be experiencing heavy rainfall while the outskirts of the city which are less than ten miles away are experiencing cold winds with no rain.

A season covers a large and a wide area which covers many miles experiencing similar weather patterns. For example, a winter season in the northern hemisphere covers more than ten countries which are covered by ice at night and freezing water bodies.

Distance from the Sun

The distance of the earth surface from the sun has a significant impact on the season being experienced in a specific region while it does not have any effects on the weather conditions facing a particular place on the earth.

Regions closer to the sun during revolution experience high temperatures and are said to be experiencing summer season which is characterized by dry wind and high temperatures which sometimes rise beyond forty degrees.

Regions further from the sun experience extremely low temperatures in winter season which are characterized by ice conditions and short days with long nights while temperatures sometimes fall below freezing point.

Habitat of Season and Weather

The prevailing weather of a specific region does not influence the animals and plants that are likely to thrive or grow in that region. This is because weather only affects an area for few hours or several days which is not enough to influence the habitats of a specific place.

On the other hand, a season lasts for a significant period which is enough to influence the habitat of a specific place in the earth. Animals thriving in winter seasons have adaptable features while those who cannot succeed in such conditions may hibernate or migrate to other warmer regions.

Similar characteristics can be seen on plants which shed their leaves during summer to prevent water shortage and flower during the spring season when there are enough rain and sunshine to support their activities.

Difference Between Season and Weather

Summary of Season vs. Weather

  • Weather describes the daily atmospheric aspects which include temperature, humidity, precipitation, rainfall, wind, and sunshine among others while season describes the weather conditions experienced for more than three months.
  • Weather is caused by the changes in atmospheric pressure of a specific place, rotation of the earth on its axis, and topography while a season is caused by the revolution of the earth around the sun.
  • Weather patterns of a specific region last for few hours and may end up lasting for a few days which means that weather cannot influence animals and plants thriving in a particular area.
  • On the other hand, a season lasts for a significantly more extended period which is enough to influence animals and plants thriving in a specific region.
  • Other differences between a season and weather include the impact of the direct sunlight on each aspect and the area of coverage among other differences.