Difference Between Send and Return (With Table)

There are many verbs in the English vocabulary, some might have the same meaning and some might not. Send and Return are the two different verbs that are generally used in vocabulary but both the words have totally different meaning. As both the verbs are used in different context both of them gives different meanings to wherever used.

Send vs Return

The main difference between send and return is that send is used to make something like an object or a message or even a person to go from one place or spot to another while return is used or referred to make the object or message or the person come back from wherever it was sent.

Send is basically a verb that is used while you deliver something or someone or you make them move from one place to another. Like if you are sending someone or something, you are basically directing them to go there and move from their initial place.

Return is also a verb that says to come back or to go back to an initial place. It does not always use for going back to a ‘place’ only as it can be referred to as a condition too. For instance, saying going back to the initial stage or situation the person or an object was earlier.

Comparison Table Between Send and Return

Parameters of Comparison



What is it?

Send is a Verb

Return is also a Verb

Grammatical usage

It is used in Active voice         

It is also used in Active voice


Present perfect tense of the verb.         

Simple present tense of the verb.

Progressive forms

The use of send is in Present form

The use of return is in also Present form


Please send he money to my account

She will return to India after her graduation in America.

What is Send?

Send is a verb used with or without an object to say or make something or someone moves or go from one place to another. For example- kindly send the details to my email account. Here in this sentence, the object or noun which is moving is the details that will go from one mail account to another mail account. The synonyms for the verb send are- transfer, transmit, dispatch, forward, cast, and hurl.

These words can be used in place of send but in some different contexts only if the sentence makes sense and has a meaning. The antonym for the verb send is received. Which says to get something from another place or person. Receive is the opposite meaning of the verb send. There are some idioms too for send.

The first one is, idiom 18- send packing which means to send something or someone in disgrace. For example- we were not satisfied with the order to we sent them packing. The other one is idiom 19- send round which means to dispatch or to spread widely. Example- words were sent round about his success. Which means words or information were spread widely about his success.

What is Return?

Return is a verb that is used to refer to something or someone to come back or to go back to its initial place. Although it is not always used for going back to a place or an area it is often used for going to certain situations or conditions too to revert back to a former owner or even a destination. The synonyms for the verb return that means the same way and can be used alternatively are- re-join, exchange, replace, pay or repay, revenue.

These synonyms can be used in place of the verb return but in a little different context but the meaning of the sentence might be the same. Basically, return is an act or a fact to go back or coming back to the initial or the original state or position or situation or circumstance or even to an owner.

Main Differences Between Send and Return

  1. The main and the most important difference between both the verbs is that send is used when to refer to something for making them go away or make them move away while the verb return is used when to refer something or someone to come back or make them move to their initial state or place or situation.
  2. Both of the verbs are used in the present form of the grammar and both of them are used in the active voice only.
  3. The verb send is used in the present perfect form of a sentence in grammar.
  4. The verb return is used in the simple present form of the sentence in the grammar.
  5. Send is making them or making an object move away while return is making them or an object move back to its place or state.


With the information provided above, we came to a conclusion that both of the verbs might be of the same grammatical usage and of the same progressive forms but they both have a whole different meaning and both of them stand in totally different sentences with different contexts. Because send is used while making something or someone goes away in a different direction while the verb return, on the other hand, is used while making or calling someone or something in the same direction towards you or towards where it was used to be.

Send is basically a verb that is used while you deliver something or someone or you make them move from one place to another. Like if you are sending someone or something, you are basically directing them to go there and move from their initial place. Return is also a verb that says to come back or to go back to an initial place.

It does not always use for going back to a ‘place’ only as it can be referred to as a condition too And this makes a whole big difference between the two verbs as these are two totally different verbs with totally different meanings and different uses.