Difference Between Sensing and Intuitive

All of us are exposed to a huge amount of information every day. We process this information through our sense organs. We see, hear, feel, smell, and taste to make sense of things around us. Those of us who depend primarily upon sensory organs to understand the world around them are called sensors, and their personality type is called sensing. There is another personality type that makes sense of things on the basis of intuition rather than on the basis of these senses. These people are labeled as intuitive. Though it is hard to categorize a person as a pure sensing or a pure intuitive, these are different types of people when it comes to analyzing and sorting out information. This article attempts to highlight the differences between sensing and intuitive people.


To make sense and to make decisions, we require analyzing data that we receive all the time. Sensing is the way to perceive data when we are tasting food, memorizing a text, bathing with warm water, and so on. We are referred to as sensing if we prefer to make use of our senses to gather information as it provides data in a concrete form. If one pays more attention to the physical world with all the information that comes through 5 senses, he is a sensing personality type. Sensing people are more concerned with what is present and here rather than being concerned with things and issues that cannot be seen or felt. These people keep their attention on all the facts and live life to enjoy the present. For these people, learning from experience is what is important as they find it difficult to understand or learn with the help of printed words.


Intuitive people are those who prefer to process data through intuition. This means they believe more on their gut feeling than the sensory input they get from their sensory organs. These people trust their sixth sense and look future focused than being in the present. These also happen to be idealistic and imaginative by nature and believe in changing the present for a better tomorrow. Intuitive people are inventive and invent new and creative ways of doing old and boring things.

What is the difference between Sensing and Intuitive?

• Intuitive people process data at a deeper level than sensing people.

• Intuitive people have more faith on their sixth sense than their sensory organs whereas sensing people process information on the basis of what they get through their sensory organs.

• Sensing people are practical and live in the real world rather than the imaginative and the abstract world of the intuitive.

• Intuitive are future focused and try to change the future for better whereas sensing live in what is present and here.

• Sensing people are thinkers whereas intuitive people are feelers.

• Sensing person is practical whereas intuitive person is imaginative and idealistic.

• The bifurcation between sensing and intuitive has to do with the difference between the physical world and the world that is in the subconscious, the abstract world.