Difference Between Sister Chromatids and Non-Sister Chromatids (With Table)

A chromatid is one of the two indistinguishable parts of an imitated chromosome. In the process of cell division, chromosomes are at first imitated, so every little girl’s cell will arrange the chromosomes. When the assembled sister chromatids separate from each other in the later stages of mitosis, each is called a girl chromosome. The chromatid structure constitutes the chromatin chain. Chromatin is DNA that wraps around proteins and further curls to form chromatin filaments.

Sister Chromatids vs Non-Sister Chromatids

The main difference between sister chromatids and non-sister chromatids is that sister chromatids contain similar alleles at similar sites, while non-sister chromatids contain many alleles with similar quality at similar sites. Sister chromatids are consolidated by the centromere. Non-sister chromatids are found in homologous chromosome pairs on the cell equator.

The two chromatids of a reproduced chromosome, which are associated by the centromere are alluded to as sister chromatids. The duplication of cell chromosomes occurs in the S phase of the interphase. Each pair of sister chromatids consists of similar alleles at similar loci. In the metaphase of mitosis, the chromosomes reconstructed by the individual are adjusted on the equator.

Homologous chromosome pairs have chromatids in various chromosomes and these pairs are alluded to as non-sister chromatids. Every chromosome with a diploid chromosome number in the genome consists of the non-identical chromosome. From each parent homologous chromosome is acquired. The two chromosomes of the homologous pair contain various alleles of similar quality at similar loci. During metaphase I of meiosis these two homologous chromosomes get paired.

Comparison Table Between Sister Chromatids and Non-Sister Chromatids

Parameters of Comparison

Sister Chromatids

Non-Sister Chromatids


The chromosomes which contain the same allele at a similar site that is separated by centromeres are known as Sister chromatids.

At similar loci, the chromosome pair that contain varied alleles of similar quality has the non-identical chromosome pair is known as the Non-sister chromosome.


Sister chromatids show up at the interphase of the cell division.

Non-Sister chromatids show up at the metaphase I of meiosis I.


The sister chromatids are connected to one another by proteins called attachments, by the centromere.

The non-sister chromosomes are not related to one another.





Sister chromatids are used for cell division, such as cell replacement.

Non-sister chromatids are used for regeneration and division to produce gametes.

What is Sister Chromatids?

The DNA framed replication that are two indistinguishable duplicates of an identical chromosome is known as Sister chromatids that are joined to one another by a construction called the centromere. During cell division, they are isolated from one another, and every girl cell gets one duplicate of the chromosome. S during the phone cycle, DNA replication allows cells to keep up with their genetic material across ages. The essential position of sister chromatids is to give a total arrangement of chromosomes to all the girl cells shaped for cell division.

During mitosis, they are joined to one another through the centromere – a stretch of DNA that structures protein edifices. Before the finish of mitosis, a progression of responses separates the two sister chromatids, moving them toward the furthest edges of the isolating cell, and another cell film structures between them, making two little girl cells. Sister chromatids are joined to one another from the time DNA is copied till anaphase, through the activity of proteins called cohesins.

At first, cohesins are available along the whole length of the chromosome, particularly around heterochromatin districts. In this manner, at the prophase, sister chromatids adhere to one another along their whole length. Be that as it may, when they are adjusted on the metaphase plate, cohesins are seen uniquely along a short district of the DNA consisting of the centromere.

What is Non-Sister Chromatids?

Non-Sister chromatids can’t avoid being chromatids in each chromosome of a homologous chromosome pair. Each chromosome with a diploid (2n) chromosome number will contain another non-identical chromosome in the genome. From each parent homologous chromosome is procured. As such, Non-sister chromatids are non-indistinct since they are obtained from the two guards.

Nonsister chromatids contain various alleles of similar quality at similar loci. During metaphase, I of meiosis the coordinating of two homologous chromosomes happens. They are of a comparable length, the same characteristics at explicit loci, a similar staining test, and a similar centromere position, and because of that the Non-sister chromatids are in the like manner suggested as homologous. The Non-sister chromatids are fundamentally related to sexual generations.

Most importantly, overcoming and genetic recombination occur between non-sister chromatids. Hence, it suggests genetic diversity in the gametes. Consequently, it is a most transformative cycle. The chromosomes in the core of a cell show up as threadlike strands preceding cell division. When planning cell division, just like Meiosis, each chromosome contains a copy of the DNA atom (via DNA replication). Succeeding DNA replication, every chromosome would have two duplicates of DNA.

During major meiosis (for example, meiosis I), chromosomes gather. Every one of these dense chromosomes would have two strands joined by a kinetochore. In the medium term, they are adjusted in the central area. At this stage, each strand of the dense chromosome will be alluded to as chromatin. The chromatids may either be sister chromatids or non-sister chromatids. A non-sister chromatid alludes to both of the two chromatids of matched homologous chromosomes.

Main Differences Between Sister Chromatids and Non-Sister Chromatids

  1. Sister chromatids which are related with the centromere are the two chromatids of an imitated chromosome whereas Non sister chromatids are two chromatids from two unique homologous chromosomes
  2. Sister chromatids are indistinguishable from one another since they are delivered by DNA replication. Since each non-sister chromatid is acquired from each parent, non-sister chromatids are non-indistinguishable.
  3. Sister chromatids contain similar alleles at similar loci while non-sister chromatids contain various alleles with the same quality at similar sites.
  4. Sister chromatids are found on a similar chromosome whereas Non sister chromatids are found in a homologous chromosome pair. 
  5. Sister chromatids are associated with abiogenetic propagation while non-sister chromatids are related to sexual reproduction.


Sister chromatids are two recreated chromatids of a chromosome combined by a centromere. Then again, non-sister chromatids will be chromatids in various chromosomes of a homologous chromosome pair. The critical distinction between sister and non-sister chromatids is that sister chromatids contain similar alleles in similar loci while non-sister chromatids contain various alleles of similar quality in similar loci. After all, both sister chromatid and non-sister chromatid consist of alleles of the same or different quality at similar loci. The sister chromatids are located on similar chromosomes. Henceforth, they are indistinguishable duplicates. However, non-sister chromatids are located in homologous chromosome pairs from each parent, and they are not indistinguishable subsequently. This issue is the outline of the distinction between sister and non-sister chromatids.


  1. https://byjus.com/questions/what-is-the-difference-between-a-sister-chromatid-and-a-non-sister-chromatid/
  2. https://teaching.ncl.ac.uk/bms/wiki/index.php/Non-sister_chromatids