Difference Between SketchUp and SketchUp Pro (With Table)

It is impossible to make the content of the design humanly without using the software. Different kinds of software were available in the market To make the design or the imagination into reality. This software helps to produce a model for your theoretical concepts. The SketchUp and SketchUp pro are two versions of the amazing software.

SketchUp vs SketchUp Pro

The main difference between SketchUp and SketchUp Pro is that their versions. SketchUp is the basic version, and SketchUp Pro is the professional version. SketchUp does not support the CAD function, while SketchUp Pro supports the CAD functions. SketchUp does not have fancy tools, and the SketchUp Pro has many fancy tools. The image quality is lower in SketchUp when compared to SketchUp Pro.

SketchUp is a basic version to illustrate your imagination. Google-owned the SketchUp. If you are smart enough in 3D modeling and do not have money to buy a program then, SketchUp is the perfect software for you. The basic version itself has various features free of cost. SketchUp is a web application need not buy but, you need to create an account on the site for using the software.

SketchUp Pro is the professional version of SketchUp software. You can use the Pro version once you subscribed. There are many plans for the subscription tag. It needs $299 for the annual subscription, and it is recommended if you are a professional SketchUp maker. The Pro version has many features that are not available in the basic version of SketchUp. SketchUp Pro has a SketchUp viewer that helps you to showcase your work.

Comparison Table Between SketchUp and SketchUp Pro

Parameters of Comparison


SketchUp Pro


SketchUp is the basic version

SketchUp Pro is the professional version

CAD function

SketchUp does not support CAD function

SketchUp Pro can support the CAD function

Fancy tools

SketchUp has no fancy tools

SketchUp Pro has fancy tools

Image Quality

SketchUp has low image quality

SketchUp Pro has high image quality

Cloud Storage

SketchUp has 10GB of cloud storage

SketchUp Pro has unlimited cloud storage

3D Warehouse

SketchUp has limited downloads from the 3D Warehouse

SketchUp Pro has unlimited downloads from 3D Warehouse

What is SketchUp?

SketchUp is the software to create the model of your imagination or your theoretical concepts. SketchUp is a basic version of the software available for free on the internet. The basic version of SketchUp is best for personal use. You need a good internet connection to use the software since it is a web-based application. The basic version has SketchUp for Web, 3D Warehouse, Extension Warehouse, SketchUp Viewer, SketchUp Community Forums.

SketchUp has 10Gb cloud storage by Trimble connect. It can connect to customer support by the option SketchUp community. It has only standard models in IOS and android devices. SketchUp supports only SKP & STL Import file types and STL & PNG export file types. The 3D Warehouse has built-in models like chairs, tables, and some other things. You can use those models in your design, but the basic version has only limited downloads.

SketchUp has an extension warehouse for customized models. In this section, you can be welding and joining the models for your convenience. But the basic version has only limited tools are available. The SketchUp community can make you interact with your co-workers and the people who are in this field. SketchUp has basic working tools and image exports for presentations. It does not allow the users for 2D layouts.

What is SketchUp Pro?

SketchUp is the professional version of SketchUp. On contrary to SketchUp, it has all the features. The SketchUp Pro is a complete version for the company designing the reality models. SketchUp Pro is available in both web and desktop versions. The Pro version needs an annual subscription for $299. The Sefaira option is exclusively available only in the SketchUp Pro version.

SketchUp Pro has unlimited cloud storage, customer support in email, phone, and community forums, model viewing in IOS and android devices. It has augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality help you to give a better experience in viewing. The interoperability in SketchUp Pro can proceed to import and export all types of files. It has unlimited downloads from 3D warehouse and has a high range of extensions.

SketchUp Pro has an excellent feature like the conversion of pdf file into 3D models. It has a 2D layout for basic modeling. Unlike SketchUp, it has fancy tools for better modeling. It has various professional features like render-making tools and walkthrough animations. The sandbox tools in SketchUp Pro can help you to make terrain modeling. The desktop version also comes with all the tools available in the web application.

Main Differences Between SketchUp and SketchUp Pro

  1. SketchUp is the basic version, and SketchUp Pro is the professional version.
  2. SketchUp does not support the CAD function, and SketchUp Pro can support the CAD function.
  3. SketchUp has no fancy tools, and SketchUp Pro has fancy tools.
  4. SketchUp has low image quality, and SketchUp Pro has high image quality.
  5. SketchUp has 10GB of cloud storage, and SketchUp Pro has unlimited cloud storage.


You can choose the version by depends on the complexity of your work. If you are a professional worker, go with the Pro version, else the Basic version is enough. The best version for you is based on the work you have. SketchUp has not only these two versions. They also provide various plans like SketchUp Studio For Students, SketchUp Studio For Educators, SketchUp for Schools, SketchUp Shop, and SketchUp Studio. These plans are also helping you to spend less money based on the features it will provide. Both the Basic and Pro version has various features. The SketchUp has basic features for beginners and the SketchUp Pro is advanced with myriad features.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FN5_fzMawPcC&oi=fnd&pg=PR8&dq=sketchup+and+sketchup+pro&ots=Nv4iiHrY0c&sig=lS20zTCG3EmiVHqvmf255tI7mpA
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=RnTeAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP4&dq=sketchup+and+sketchup+pro&ots=epOm19ekaV&sig=XGzjdraph-aoAcDMcAfSMSklH7s