Difference Between Skiing and Snowboarding

Skiing vs Snowboarding

Skiing and snowboarding are very popular winter sports. Though they are similar games in respect of being played in the snow, they are different in many aspects.

The major difference that one can see between skiing and snowboarding is in the equipment used. While in snowboarding only a solid, single, wide board is used, two boards are used in skiing.

Skiing involves two skis that are strapped with bindings. The skiers use the skies to navigate and propel themselves through snow. But snowboarders, who do not use skies, use only their body to navigate and propel.

Though both the skiers and the snowboarders are attached to the snowboards with bindings, it also comes with some difference. The snowboarder’s bindings are located side by side so that his feet face side ways. But a skier is bind to the snowboard along the length of the board so that his feet face straight. While the snowboarders find it hard to get released from the board in case of an emergency, the skiers can separate themselves from the board very easily.

Even in the terrain, they have differences. The terrain for skiing is more varied than snowboarding. Moreover, the skiers have more control over their movement as they have two skies to balance. This helps the skiers to traverse through wooded areas, which the snowboarders cannot.

The riders in a snowboard usually are seen sitting and exerting energy while on the edges. But skiers can remain upright when they are not moving with heir two skies.

When compared to skiing, snowboarding is easier on the knees. Unlike skiing, knee injuries are rare in snowboarding. On the other hand, snowboarding can be a little brutal on the wrists. Another noticeable difference is that while skiing is good in bumps and ice, snowboards are better in powder and crud.

Now coming to learning the two winter sports, it is hard to learn snowboarding. Even skiers find it hard to get along with snowboard lessons.

Skiing was the first developed winter sport. It was only in the 1970’s that snowboarding developed, many centuries after skiing had become popular.

1.A solid, single wide board is used in snowboarding. In skiing two boards are used.
2.Skiing involves two skis that are strapped with bindings. But this is not present in snowboarding.
3.Skiers use skies to navigate. Snowboarders use their body to navigate.
4.The terrain for skiing is more varied than snowboarding.
5.The riders in a snowboard usually are seen sitting and exerting energy while on the edges. Skiers on the other hand can remain upright when they are not moving with their two skies.