Difference Between Snake Bites and Spider Bites

Snake bites vs spider bites

Snakes and spiders are creatures that help a household be rid off of pests. Snakes eat rodents while spiders feed on mosquitoes and other insects. Although these animals have kinds that cannot be put in the category of ‘pet’, these creatures, like any other creatures, play a vital role to keep the circle of life turning harmoniously. However, snakes and spiders are among the most feared and most abhorred animals in the Animal Kingdom. Mainly because of the scary films produced by filmmakers about gigantic snakes and enormous spiders. It is also because, in reality these creatures, although smaller in size can cause harm to people 10 times their size. Although snakes and spiders only attack when they’re provoked or when their lives are in danger, millions of people actually die from the venom of these creatures that has been injected into the system of the human body. An estimate number of 5.7 million people worldwide get bitten by snakes and about 10,000 people get bitten by spiders every year.

The venom of these creatures is really poisonous. In some cases to the extent that when it flows into the bloodstream, it stops a human being from breathing, thus causing death, and it’s a punishing death because a victim will have to die slowly. The symptoms of snake bites differ from the symptoms of spider bites. Even the bite marks of both creatures are different. How so? Here are the distinctions that you should be aware of when it comes to snake bites and spider bites.

Snake bites are lethal. It’s more lethal than getting shot in the chest. The bite could send about 450g or more venom inside the human being’s body. The black mamba, considered the most poisonous snake in the entire world, has venom that can kill an average human being in about 30 minutes (that is when no anti-venom has been applied). A single bite can cause dizziness, difficulty in breathing, fast heartbeat, paralysis, and in extreme cases, death. Death would be brought upon those who have been bitten by a black mamba simply because the paralysis could hamper the respiratory system from functioning normally. Another poisonous snake is the inland taipan. This snake’s venom, once in the bloodstream, prohibits blood clotting from happening which puts victims at risk of major bleeding. Other symptoms associated with snake bites are vomiting, swelling of the muscles, hypotension, kidney failure, tissue necrosis, fear, panic, emotional instability, and many more. But although some snake bites post no harm on the human body, you must remember that the level of danger a snake bite causes depends on a lot of different factors like the snake’s size, it’s physical temperature, the victim’s condition, the tissue area of the snake bite, the weight of the patient treated and if the treatment applied was a success.

Spider bites are rarely lethal. In fact, only 2% of the entire reported spider bites are harmful enough to cause death in humans. Out of the 40,000 known spider species, only 200 are known to cause lethal bites. The Australian funnel-web spider’s venom can cause death in 15 minutes to small children and 3 days to adults if it is left untreated. Its venom is acidic, thus causing extreme pain in the bitten area. The symptoms of this spider bite include muscle tingling, nausea, hypertension, elevated intra-cranial pressure, and death. The symptoms from this spider bite are really severe and quick, which is why treatment for a suspected Australian funnel-web spider bite should be as quick and severe as well. The good news is there is anti-venom for this kind of spider bite. Another venomous spider is the Brazilian wandering spider from the Amazon. These spiders have the largest fangs, thus making the bite more excruciating than any other spider bite. The symptoms of this spider bite include loss of muscle control, difficulty in breathing causing paralysis, asphyxia, and death. Other common symptoms associated with spider bites include muscle contractions, ulcer, priapism, necrotic tissues, and many more.

Although both snake bites and spider bites appear to be really fatal in human beings, these creatures should not be deemed dangerous because they are as harmless as a sleeping baby when they are left alone, unprovoked, unchallenged, and free.



Snakes and spiders only post threats to human beings when they are provoked, disturbed, or their lives are endangered.

The dangers of the most venomous snake bites and spider bites lead to death when left untreated.

The venom a person can get from either a snake bite or a spider bite can cause necrotic tissue.

Although both snake bites and spider bites appear to be really fatal in human beings, these creatures should not be deemed dangerous because they are as harmless as a sleeping baby when they are left alone, unprovoked, unchallenged, and free.