Difference Between Sol Solution and Suspension

The key difference between sol solution and suspension is that the particles in a sol have dimensions around 1 nanometer to 1 micrometre and a solution has particles with dimensions below 1 nanometer whereas a suspension has particles with dimensions higher than 1 micrometre. Therefore, the particles in both sol and solution are invisible to the naked eye while the particles in suspension are visible to the naked eye. 

Sol, solution and suspension are forms of physical states of matter that has two or more components mixed with each other. favor it . honor


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Sol
3. What is Solution
4. What is Suspension
5. Side by Side Comparison – Sol Solution and Suspension in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is Sol?

A sol is a form of colloidal suspension that has particles with dimensions around 1 nanometer to 1 micrometre that is invisible to naked eye. It has a solid dispersed phase distributed in a liquid dispersion medium. As it appears as a turbid liquid, it is not clear. But it is stable, and thus, the particles do not settle down. These particles settle down only when we centrifuge a sol sample.

Sol has a heterogeneous nature and a sample of it can scatter a light beam. Hence, it can show the Tyndall effect as well as the Brownian effect. Although the particles are invisible to naked eye, they are visible in an ultra-microscope. These particles do not separate from the dispersion medium via filtration or sedimentation. The diffusion is also very slow.

Figure 01: Milk is a Sol

Some common examples of natural sols are blood, milk, cell fluids, etc. There are some artificial sol dispersions as well; paint. We can produce these synthesis sols via dispersion and condensation. We can add dispersing agents for the regulation of their stability.

What is Solution?

A solution is a mixture of two or more substances that are in the liquid state. It has two major components; the solvent and the solute. We dissolve the solutes in a suitable solvent. This mixing occurs according to the polarities of the solutes and solvent (“like dissolves like” – polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents and nonpolar solutes dissolve in nonpolar solvents, but polar solutes do not dissolve in solvents). Also, the nature of a solution is homogeneous. And unlike sols, they cannot scatter a light beam and do not show Tyndall effect and Brownian motion.

Figure 02: Different Colourful Solutions

The solution is a clear liquid substance with no turbidity. They are very stable and diffuse rapidly. Its particles are below 1 nanometer in dimensions. Therefore, these particles are not visible to the naked eye. Furthermore, these particles do not settle down spontaneously; only via centrifugation, we can settle the particles in a solution. Moreover, we cannot separate their particles via filtration or sedimentation.

What is Suspension?

A suspension is a turbid dispersion that has large particles that are visible to the naked eye. The particles have dimensions above 1 micrometre. These are solid particles that can settle down spontaneously and in sedimentation. Moreover, these particles can be separated from the suspension via filtration.

Figure 03: Formation of Sediment from a Suspension

The nature of the suspension is heterogeneous. And since it has a turbid appearance and large particles, it can scatter a light beam that passes through it (opaque nature). Also, it does not show diffusion. Apart from that, it may or may not show the Tyndall effect and Brownian motion.

What is the Difference Between Sol Solution and Suspension?

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Sol vs Solution vs Suspension

A sol is a form of colloidal suspension which has particles with dimensions around 1 nanometer to 1 micrometre. A solution is a mixture of two or more substances that are in the liquid state. A suspension is a turbid dispersion that has large particles.
Heterogeneous nature Homogeneous nature Heterogeneous nature
Visibility of Particles
The particles are invisible to the naked eye; can observe them under an ultra-microscope Invisible to naked eye Visible to naked eye
Particle Size
Dimensions are around 1 nanometer to 1 micrometre Below 1 nanometer Above 1 micrometre
Generally has a clear appearance Clear in appearance Turbid appearance
Diffuse very slowly Rapid diffusion Does not diffuse
Separation of Particles
Cannot be separated from filtration or sedimentation Cannot be separated from filtration or sedimentation Can be separated from filtration and sedimentation

Summary -Sol Solution vs Suspension

A sol, solution and a suspension are three states of matter. The key difference between sol solution and suspension is that the particles in a sol have dimensions around 1 nanometer to 1 micrometre (which is invisible to naked eye), and a solution has particles with dimensions below 1 nanometer (which are invisible to naked eye). On the contrary, suspension has particles with dimensions higher than 1 micrometre (which is visible to naked eye).