Difference Between Spiders and Insects (With Table)

Insects and Spiders are from the phylum of Arthropoda that have joint legs and exoskeleton. Insects and spiders are very prominent species of animals in the world. The insects and spiders are different from a different class of Arthropoda. They have distinct characteristics, and insects are the food of spiders.

Spiders vs Insects

The main difference between Spiders and insects is that spiders are from the Archinda class, which has eight legs, eight eyes, and two body parts-the cephalothorax, abdomen. On the other hand, Insects are from the Insecta class, which has six legs, compound eyes, wings, antennae, and three body parts-head, thorax, abdomen.

Spiders are predators that hunt other arthropods, usually insects. On average, a spider consumes 0.089g of insects per day. Spiders are of order Araneae and are not found in oceans and cold places like Antarctica Spiders are very important to balance the ecosystem of nature, as they control the insect’s populations. They are also used in the agricultural field to reduce the pest.

Insects are from class Insecta and order. These are the largest group of Arthropoda in which some insects are beneficial to the natural ecosystem and some harm humans and nature. They become food for other animals like spiders, birds, reptiles, and fishes. Some insects pollinate flowers, some produce honey, wax, silk, and some helps to maintain the nutrient cycle.

Comparison Table Between Spiders and Insects

Parameters of Comparison






Body parts

It has two main body parts that are the cephalothorax and abdomen.

It has three main body parts that are the head, thorax, and abdomen


  It has eight legs and eight eyes

It has six legs and two eyes


  Spiders eat insects, and their venom is used in medicines. Silk is used in war and reduces the spread of diseases.

Some insects are used to produce honey, silk, gut, beeswax, pollination, dyes, and others.


Spiders do not harm humans.

Insects spread diseases like skin irritations, infection, malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and others.

What are Spiders?

Arthropoda phylum is a group, which has three-fourth of the species. It has a segmented body, jointed legs, and an exoskeleton. The Arthropoda have different classes that groups similar species. Arachnida is a class of Arthropoda that consists of animals with two-segmented body parts, eight legs, and eight eyes. Some species have four eyes, and some do not have eyes in this group. Spiders are from Archinda class and order Araneae. There are modern spiders, primitive spiders, and mesothelae. 

The spiders are beneficial to humans and the natural ecosystem as they prey on insects and other small creatures. The spider’s silk gland is used to construct cocoon, web, retreat, dragline, and others. The venom gland is used to prey on insects. Spiders create different webs to attach to insects, such as silken webs, funnel webs, sheet webs, and orb webs. Some spiders do not build webs, and they hunt insects like Salticidae. They are known as sit-and-wait predators. 

Spiders do not harm humans, though they bite people but do not lead to death or give birth to new diseases. The pain can be dealt with first aid. Spiders benefit humans by preying on insects that spread diseases. They keep homes and gardens free from insects. Its venom is used in creating medicines. They are also a sign of good luck in some cultures. 

What are Insects?

Insects are also one of the groups of Arthropoda phylum from class Insecta. Insects have a head, thorax, abdomen, a pair of wings, a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs, and compound eyes. There are a vast group of insects present out of which are beneficial to humankind, some harm humans, and some are neutral that contributes to the well-being of humans and the ecosystem. Insects occupy every place on the earth. They are small in size and have reproductive potentials.

Some of the products produce from insects are honey, gut, beeswax, dyes, propolis, and bee milk. Insects also carry out pollination activity in the plant’s reproduction. Especially bees carry out pollination as they get energy from the flowers. Some insects are also helpful in the agricultural field.  Some insects are imported from one country to another to control the weeds population.

Pedigo and Rice are consumed by people as they provide proteins and minerals. Insects like fly larvae are used to treat wounds. Dead insects create organic matters and promote natural fertilizer. Some insects harm humans by spreading diseases like malaria, yellow fever, dengue and destroys the tissue.  They cause irritation and skin allergy to sensitive people.

Main Differences Between Spiders and Insects

  1. Spiders and insects are a family of Arthropoda but from different classes. The class of spiders is Archinda, and the subclass is Araneae, and the class of insects in Insecta.
  2. Spiders have eight legs and eight eyes, but insects have only six legs and two compound eyes.
  3. Spiders do not have wings and antennae-like insects.
  4. The cephalothorax and abdomen are the two main body parts of Spiders. On the other hand, the head, thorax, and abdomen are the three main body parts of insects.
  5. Insects harm humans by spreading diseases. Spiders do not harm humans instead it reduces spread of diseases by preying on insects.


Insects and animals are the creatures of God that benefit nature and mankind in some other ways. Insects and spiders are species that benefit and harm humans and nature. If one animal harm, the other is used as an antidote. Spiders pollute the houses and buildings by spinning silk. Both insects and spiders have unique features that benefit the world. Insects and spiders are not the same, but they have some common characteristics because they are from the same phylum. 


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315683761_INSECTS_FRIENDS_OR_ENEMIES
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307819243_Spiders_Araneae_Chapter_73\\