Difference Between Squarespace and Ghost (With Table)

Squarespace is a website building platform, while the Ghost website serves as a publication platform. This is the platform of choice for most professional bloggers. Squarespace is one among the sea of blogging platforms that dominates the top 1 million, 100 thousand, and eventually the entire internet. A blogging platform such as Ghost is a sort of platform. This website is ranked number one among the top ten thousand websites on the internet.

Squarespace vs Ghost

The main difference between Squarespace and Ghost is that Squarespace provides market-leading coverage in twenty distinct areas, including lifestyle, meals and beverages, science and education, arts and entertainment, and more. On the contrary, in practically all Websites categories, Ghost lags behind Squarespace; therefore, it has yet to take the lead. But, this platform is preferred by the vast majority of professional bloggers.

Squarespace is one of a sea of blogging platforms that dominates the top 1 million, 100 thousand, and ultimately the entire internet. Squarespace‘s transaction and price costs are handled in such a way that they snare a significant portion of annual revenue. Squarespace’s price plans are quite expensive. Squarespace does not offer free email or newsletters. However, it adds a small fee to the total. Squarespace offers both paid and free choices to its users. Squarespace is a website construction platform.

Ghost is a blogging platform. This website is ranked first among the top ten thousand websites. In the instance of the Ghost website, the transaction and price costs are managed in such a way that no money is lost. Furthermore, there are no fees. Almost everyone can afford the Ghost website’s pricing tiers. The provision of email or newsletter services is included in the monthly membership of ghost websites. Ghost offers its users the option of using it for free. The Ghost website is a publishing platform for articles.

Comparison Table Between Squarespace and Ghost

Parameters of Comparison



Leads in

Top 1M

Top 10K


A part of the revenue

0% fee


Free, paid


Pricing plans



Email, Newsletter

Extra Charges

Included, free

What is Squarespace?

Squarespace gives its users the choice of two options: premium and free. Squarespace is a sort of website builder that uses a platform. Squarespace provides market-leading coverage in twenty various categories, including lifestyle, meals and beverages, science and education, arts and entertainment, and so on.

Squarespace is one of a sea of blogging platforms that dominates the top 1 million, 100 thousand, and ultimately the entire web. Squarespace doesn’t offer free email or newsletters. It does, however, charge a small fee for the service.

In the case of Squarespace, the transaction and price costs are regulated in such a way that they snare a significant portion of the annual revenue. Squarespace’s pricing options are quite pricey.

What is Ghost?

The Ghost website serves as a publication platform for content. This platform is preferred by the bulk of professional bloggers. Ghost trails Squarespace in practically every Websites category; therefore, it has yet to take the lead.

Furthermore, it charges no costs. The Ghost website’s pricing tiers are accessible to practically everyone. The supply of email or newsletters service is included in the monthly subscription of ghost websites. Ghost gives its users the option of using it for free.

The Ghost platform is a type of blogging platform. This website is ranked first among the top 10,000 websites. The transaction and price costs on the Ghost website are managed in such a way that they do not eat into the revenue.

Main Differences Between Squarespace and Ghost

  1. Squarespace belongs to an ocean of blogging platforms that leads in the top 1M sites, 100K sites, and ultimately in the entire web. On the other hand, Ghost is a type of platform which supports blogging. This Website is the one that leads in the top 10K sites.
  2. The transaction and pricing cost in the case of Squarespace is managed in the way that it snatches away a considerable amount of the revenue earned on an annual basis. On the other hand, the transaction and pricing cost in the case of the Ghost website is managed in a way that it does not snatch away any part of the revenue. Moreover, it takes 0% fees.
  3. The pricing plans of Squarespace are expensive. On the other hand, the pricing plans of the Ghost website are affordable to almost everyone.
  4. Squarespace does not provide email or newsletters for free. However, it charges a minimal add on amount for the same. On the other hand, In the monthly subscription of ghost websites, the email or newsletters service provision is included in it.
  5. Squarespace provides its users with two alternatives, both paid and free options. On the other hand, Ghost provides its users with free use option.
  6. Squarespace is a platform that is a type of website builder. On the other hand, the Ghost website is a platform for publishing articles. The majority of Professional bloggers prefer this platform.
  7. Squarespace has its Market-leading Coverage in websites that are associated with lifestyle, foods and beverages, Science and education, arts and entertainment, and twenty such different categories. On the other hand, Ghost lacks behind Squarespace in almost all Websites categories; thus, it has not gotten a lead yet.


Squarespace’s pricing plans are costly. Email and newsletters are not provided for free by Squarespace. It does, however, add a little fee to the total. Squarespace offers both paid and free plans to its customers. Squarespace has market-leading coverage in twenty various categories, including leisure, food and beverage, science and education, arts and entertainment, and so on. In the case of Squarespace, the transaction costs are managed in such a way that they snare a significant portion of annual revenue.

The Ghost website’s transaction and price costs are managed in such a way that no revenue is lost. It also charges 0% commissions. Almost everyone can afford Ghost’s price plans. The supply of email or newsletters service is included in the monthly subscription fee for ghost websites. Ghost offers customers the option of using it for free. In practically every Websites category, Ghost trails Squarespace, therefore it has yet to take the lead.


  1. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b782/2a1e3a2772946e6e65328fc96ab95d2d2ab7.pdf
  2. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/a-survey-of-recent-approaches-integrating-blogs-in-school-education/258772