Difference Between SRAM and DRAM (With Table)

Random Access Memory is an acronym for the phrase “RAM”. It is a sort of memory that requires a continual source of electricity in order to keep the data stored in it. This implies that if the power source to the laptop or PC is interrupted (turned off), the data saved in this following sense will be compromised. RAM is classified into two types: SRAM and DRAM.


The main difference between SRAM and DRAM is that SRAM construction and design are quite difficult. This is due to the fact that it implements its performance using multiple types of transistors. While DRAM is very simple to adopt owing to its straightforward nature. Another distinction is that despite SRAM’s complicated design its modules are more simplistic than DRAM modules.

SRAM is a kind of semiconductor. It’s common in microprocessors, powerful computational operations, and electrical gadgets. The SRAM is volatile, which means that when the power is turned off, all of the data contained in it is erased. SRAM is made up of flip-flops. It is made up of 4-6 transistors and once the flip flop records a bit, it keeps it preserved till the equivalent bit is held.

DRAM is a form of RAM that maintains each block of detail (0 or 1) in a memory module. Memory cells are made up of two components, a small capacitor, and a transistor, both of which are predicated on (MOS) innovation. The term “Dynamic” is adopted since DRAM’s state varies from 0 to 1 with time owing to the gradual loss of energy from the capacitors.

Comparison Table Between SRAM and DRAM

Parameters of Comparison



Full form

Static random-access memory

Dynamic random-access memory


Focus is on the CPU’s L3 and L2 cache divisions

Operates as the primary memory


1 MB to 16 MB

1 GB to 2GB and 4GB to 16GB for laptops


SRAM can be found on the CPU

DRAM can be located on a device’s motherboard

Storage capacity

Reduced storage capacity

Bigger storage capacity.  

Characteristics of Charge Leakage

No charge leaking concerns

It causes a leakage current

What is SRAM?

SRAM stands for Static Random-Access Memory. The phrase is pronounced “S-RAM” rather than “sram.” SRAM is a form of semiconductor memory that stores each bit using Bistable self-locking circuitry.

It stores bits via flip-flops. Each flip flop has 4-6 transistors. The six-transistor storage block is used to process information in this sort of RAM. Static RAM is mostly deployed as a processor cache memory (CPU).

SRAM is known to be quicker to access and conduct activities such as read and writing. The data can be retrieved at any time. It is quicker than DRAM since it does not need to be refreshed regularly.

It can provide access times of as little as 10 nanoseconds. Nevertheless, because SRAM requires more hardware and connections, an SRAM cell requires more space on a chip than a DRAM cell.

SRAM requires continual power to maintain its state of charge and is hence volatile. It also has two cross-coupled inverters. These inverters are used to store data of the binary kind.

The SRAM idea is based on the continual changing of a current direction through the switches. It, like DRAM, has no costs. SRAM has a lower density and is scarcer. Its modules are more straightforward. It is possible to create simple interfaces for accessing memory.

What is DRAM?

Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) is a form of RAM that stores every piece of data inside another capacitor in any specific integrated circuit (IC) (integrated circuit).

A DRAM chip’s memory cells each carry one type of information and are made up of a transistor and a capacitor. The transistor acts as a switch, allowing the memory chip’s control circuitry to read or modify the state of the capacitor, while the capacitor is responsible for storing the bit of data in the form of a 1 or 0.

A capacitor functions similarly to a container that holds electrons. When this container is filled, it represents a 1, but when it is empty, it represents a 0. Capacitors, on the other hand, have a permeability that results in losing this charge, and as a response, the “container” empties out in a matter of milliseconds.

Because of its simple nature, DRAM is relatively easy to operate. The total transistor count in a memory module influences DRAM capacity. As a result, the DRAM module has the potential to be 6 times more competent than the SRAM module (that has an equal number of transistors).

Although DRAM is slower because it must continually refresh data, which requires time. This is precisely where the “Dynamic” in Dynamic RAM comes from since it alludes to the refreshing required to keep the data.

Main Differences Between SRAM and DRAM

  1. SRAM is an abbreviated form of static random-access memory while DRAM is an abbreviated form of dynamic random-access memory.
  2. SRAM’s application regions are the CPU’s L3 and L2 cache divisions. Whereas DRAM serves as the primary memory in pcs (for instance, DDR3).
  3. SRAM generally has a storage capacity ranging from 1 MB to 16 MB. Meanwhile DRAM typically has a limit of approximately 1 GB to 2GB and for laptops the storage capacities ranges from 4GB to 16GB.
  4. SRAM can be found on the CPU, or it remains stuck between any computational device’s CPU and primary storage. Whereas DRAM can be located on a device’s motherboard.
  5. SRAM often has a reduced storage capacity. DRAM, on the other hand, has a bigger storage capacity.
  6. SRAM has no charge leaking concerns. The DRAM, on the other hand, makes use of a capacitor, which causes a leakage current. It frequently necessitates the use of a power refresh circuitry as well.


SRAM is a form of a particular subset of semiconductor memory. It makes use of bistable latching circuitry. It is static and does not need to be updated on a regular basis to function properly. While DRAM is a type of RAM that is made up of transistors and capacitors. DRAM capacitors are designed for data retention, and a value of one in a bit indicates that the capacitor is charged.

DRAM is evolved from SRAM and has been effectively created to deal with SRAM’s problems and concerns. DRAM, on the other hand, is slower than SRAM and consumes more power.

Because DRAM is prone to charge leaking, it must be recharged on a regular basis in order to preserve its charge. Understanding the distinction between dynamic ram and static ram enables users to apply them judiciously and in accordance with their requirements.


  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6513476/
  2. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2000064.2000094