Difference Between Static Website and Dynamic Website (With Table)

CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and other languages are commonly used for creating static web pages. Static web pages need less money and effort in terms of design and development. ASP.NET, ASP, AJAX, CGI, and a variety of other programming languages are used to create dynamic web pages. Building and developing dynamic websites necessitates a greater level of effort and expense.

Static Website vs Dynamic Website

The main difference between Static Website and a Dynamic Website is that static web pages have a very minimal level of complexity. In other words, these web pages are straightforward. In the case of static web pages, the volume, and quality of information change only seldom. Whereas, Dynamic web pages have a high level of complexity. As a result, they’re quite difficult to understand. In the case of dynamic websites, the information and updates do not stay static.

A static web page is one in which the content of the pages does not change unless and until a person with access to the web page actively updates it. As a result, the contents of this page will remain unchanged until an external impediment appears. The website’s administrative head ensures that viewers have access to accurate information on the website. Static web pages take less time to load data and other content. Databases are rarely used in static web pages.

A dynamic web page is one in which the contents change for each visitor to the site. However, different content is available on the website for different visitors. Furthermore, the data and information are always changing. In the case of dynamic web pages, the loading of information and data takes longer. Databases are widely used in dynamic web pages. The amount of time and money spent on developing and designing dynamic websites is greater.

Comparison Table Between Static Website and Dynamic Website

Parameters of Comparison

Static Website

Dynamic Website


Not required


Loading time



Cost and work



Complexity level



Information change

Very rare


What is Static Website?

Static web pages take significantly less time to load data and content. In the case of static web pages, databases are rarely used. CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and other languages are commonly used to create static web pages. The cost of developing and building static web pages is lower, as is the amount of time and effort necessary.

Static web pages have a very minimal level of sophistication. In other words, these websites are straightforward and uncomplicated in the case of static web pages, the amount and quality of information change only seldom. The administrative head of these web pages ensures that readers have access to accurate information on the website.

A static web page is one in which the content of the pages does not change unless and until someone with access to the web page actively updates it. As a result, the contents of this page will remain unchanged until an external impediment is encountered.

What is Dynamic Website?

In the case of dynamic web pages, the loading of information and data takes a longer period. In the case of dynamic web pages, databases are heavily used. ASP.NET, ASP, AJAX, CGI, and a variety of other languages are used to create dynamic web pages.

The dynamic web pages have a great degree of complexity. As a result, they are extremely difficult to understand. In the case of dynamic websites, the information and updates do not remain static. Furthermore, the information is constantly updated, and the data is constantly changing.

A dynamic web page is one in which the contents of the page change depending on the number of visitors to the site. However, different visitors will find different content on the page. The amount of time and money required for the development and design of dynamic websites is greater.

Main Differences Between Static Website and Dynamic Website

  1. A static web page is a type of web page in which the content of the pages does not change until and unless a person who has access to the web page changes it manually. Thus, the contents remain the same here until any outside hindrance is there. On the other hand, a dynamic web page is a type of web page where the contents do not remain the same for all the visitors visiting the site. However, for different visitors, different content is available on the website.
  2. The complexity level of the Static web pages is very low. In other words, these web pages are simple and not much complex. On the other hand, the complexity level possessed by the dynamic web pages is high. Thus, they are highly complicated.
  3. Very rarely, the amount and quality of information change in the case of static web pages. The administrative head of these web pages makes sure that the correct information is available on the website to the viewers. On the other hand, the information and the updates in the case of Dynamic websites do not remain static. Moreover, the information keeps on updating, and the data keeps on changing frequently.
  4. For loading data and stuff, static web pages require comparatively less time. On the other hand, the loading of information and data in the case of dynamic web pages requires comparatively more time.
  5. There is not much use of databases in the case of Static web pages. On the other hand, there is a huge usage of databases in the case of dynamic web pages.
  6. The languages which are used for the writing of static web pages are CSS, JavaScript, HTML, etc. On the other hand, the languages which are used in the Dynamic web pages for writing are ASP.NET, ASP, AJAX, CGI, and many more.
  7. The amount of cost and the input of work which is required in the designing and building of Static web pages is less. On the other hand, the amount of work and cost which is required in the building and designing of the dynamic web pages is more.


A static web page is one in which the content of the pages does not change unless and until someone with access to the page actively updates it. As a result, unless any external impediment appears, the contents will remain unchanged. Static web pages have a relatively modest level of sophistication. To put it another way, these web pages are straightforward in the case of static web pages, the quantity and quality of information change only seldom.

A dynamic web page is one in which the contents change with each visitor. Various content is provided on the website for different visitors. Dynamic web pages have an extremely high level of complexity. As a result, they’re quite difficult. In the case of dynamic websites, the information and changes aren’t static. Furthermore, the statistics and information are constantly updated.


  1. https://search.proquest.com/openview/dd0e04b0b74b6a2dd881c7bf80f5af20/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750
  2. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=