Difference Between Suffix and Prefix (With Table)

All vernaculars contain words that can be used to shape clarifications and sentences. A root or a stem is involved in a word, and it could moreover have secured. The base word is the root which can be gotten together with various words to outline another word that can have substitute significance.

Suffix vs Prefix

The main difference between suffix and prefix is that the suffix connotes the strained and some of a word. It can likewise imply what grammatical form the word has a place with. The prefix, then again, is a join that is added before the stem or root word and changes the structure and significance of the word that it is appended to, as a rule giving it the contrary importance.

A suffix is the little end-bit that is tacked onto the last part of a word to slightly change the meaning. For example, we have the word run. It is a verb—action word—that means to move quickly across land using a pumping of the legs. Add the suffix er, and then your verb changes to a noun. A runner is one who performs the action of running.

The prefix is a kind of attachment that is set before the stem of a word. The prefix likewise flourishes morpheme since it can’t remain solitary. In the English language, all prefixes are derivational. Prefixes, as a rule, make words with new implications.

Comparison Table Between Suffix and Prefix

Parameters of Comparison




The suffix is a gathering of letters that are added toward the finish of a base word.

The prefix is a gathering of letters that comes at the expression of a root word.


Suffix consistently comes toward the end.

The prefix is constantly positioned toward the start.


Suffix likewise changes the importance and helps with designing tenses.

Prefix changes the significance.


There are two kinds of Suffix inflectional and derivational.

The prefix is just one sort.


able/-ible, -ac/-ic,-acy

-a-, an-, anti-, auto-

What is Suffix?

Suffixes will, in general, change the strain of the word. This happens when – ed is added toward the finish of the word. For instance, when – ed is added to the bond, it becomes reinforced, which is the previous tense of the word bond. Other than – ed, there are various other postfixes that are utilized in the English language. In reality, all the additions can be separated into two primary gatherings. They are,

• Inflectional suffix

• Derivational suffix

Inflectional suffixes don’t change the importance of the word. – ed is a model for that. By adding – ed to the word bond, the word gets reinforced. In any case, that doesn’t hurt the first signs of the word bond. On the off chance that lone changes the strain. Another model is – s that is added toward the finish of solitary things to make them plural. Pigeon and pigeons convey a similar significance. The solitary distinction is that the subsequent one recommends there is more than one pigeon.

Derivational postfixes change the importance of the word. The new word has another meaning that has an association with the old significance. Likewise, generally, the new word is an alternate grammatical form. For instance, take the word influence. This is made by adding – sion to the action word convince. Convince is an action word, while influence is a thing. Their significance is likewise somewhat unique as one is an action word and the other a thing.

What is Prefix?

As referenced previously, more often than not, these joins provide us some insight into the importance of the word. For instance, the word review consists of prefix pre and root word view and alludes to seeing something before the real occasion happens. Sneak peeks of films are held before the genuine screening of the film. Likewise, a pretest alludes to a test before the test. This makes it clear that expansion of pre toward the start of a word is characteristic of before the occasion.

There is another prefix that thoroughly changes the word. At the point when you add de before a word, it turns into its antonym as in disintegrate and destabilize. The same is the impact with un. When added before agreeable, an individual inclination awkward methods he isn’t happy.

Main Differences Between Suffix and Prefix

  1. Both suffix and prefix consist of 6 words; however, one starts with S and the other with P.
  2. The suffix is a gathering of letters that are added toward the finish of a base word. Then again, the prefix is a gathering of letters that comes at the expressing of a root word.
  3. The suffixes consistently come toward the end, and the prefix is constantly positioned toward the start.
  4. Suffix changes the importance and furthermore helps with designing tenses and prefix changes the significance.
  5. There are two kinds of suffix inflectional and derivational however the prefix is just one sort.


Suffixes will, in general, change the strain of the word. This happens when – ed is added toward the finish of the word. For instance, when – ed is added to the bond, it becomes reinforced, which is the previous tense of the word bond. Other than – ed, there are various other postfixes that are utilized in the English language. In reality, all the additions can be separated into two primary gatherings.

As referenced previously, more often than not, these joins provide us some insight into the importance of the word. For instance, the word review consists of prefix pre and root word view and alludes to seeing something before the real occasion happens. Sneak peeks of films are held before the genuine screening of the film. Likewise, a pretest alludes to a test before the test. This makes it clear that expansion of pre toward the start of a word is characteristic of before the occasion.


  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/488323/
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022537179900823