Difference Between Sun Sign and Moon Sign

Nearly all newspapers and magazines today carry daily predictions of what is going to happen in the lives of the readers based upon their horoscope. These predictions have become very popular as people are naturally interested in knowing about future events, especially in their personal lives. Most of the daily predictions are based upon sun signs, and people also know their sun signs in the zodiac but not their moon signs. However, moon signs are equally important as the moon is believed to affect our personality while the sun is responsible for our individuality. There are many differences between sun sign and moon sign that will be described in this article.

Sun Sign

The entire universe has been conceptualized as a circle, and its 12 parts have been considered as sun signs. This is the western concept of the zodiac, and every person is given a particular sun sign depending upon the position of sun at the time of his birth in one of these 12 zodiac signs. So a person’s sun sign is the zodiac in which sun was posited at the time of his birth. According to the western system of astrology, sun stays in a particular sign for a period of one month. These dates are fixed as in western astrology, as position of celestial bodies is calculated from a fixed point whereas, in Indian astrology, the position of heavenly bodies is calculated from variable points. At present, sun is believed to stay in Aries from March 21 to April 20 according to western astrology while it stays in Aries from April 14 to May 15 according to Hindu system of astrology.

Your sun sign tells a lot about you, and your essential character qualities are dependent upon your sun sign. It is the sun that is believed to dictate your outer appearance and looks. Your mannerisms are all defined by the sun sign in which you were born. Our sun gives a reflection of our personality to others. The way we are seen and perceived by others is what our sun sign is all about.

Moon Sign

The position of the moon at the time of birth of a person is said to be his moon sign. Knowing moon sign is a difficult process, and you need to hire the services of an astrologer well versed in Indian astrology system. This is because there are no fixed dates during which moon stays in different zodiac signs. In the case of Hindus, kids are often given a moon based name that helps astrologers to arrive at their moon sign later in life.

In astrology, moon has been symbolized as a person’s inner self and the person’s moon sign is enough to tell a lot about his emotions and feelings while he exhibits traits according to his sun sign. The deeper, hidden aspects of your personality are revealed if you use moon sign to read the daily predictions. This is because the moon is a very important heavenly body having a great influence on our lives just like the sun. Moon does not have fixed stays in all zodiac signs though it passes through all zodiac signs in a 28 day lunar cycle. This is why lunar effects on a monthly basis are variable and not fixed for people. Our moon sign tells a lot about our subconscious personality that even we may not be aware.

What is the difference between Sun Sign and Moon Sign?

• Western system of astrology takes into account only the positioning of sun at the time of birth of a person while Indian astrology also acknowledges the role of the moon in our lives

• Sun has a fixed stay over every zodiac, and it is easy to get to the sun sign on the basis of your date of birth but to find your moon sign, you need to find an astrologer versed in Indian system of astrology

• Sun sign stands for our outer appearance and traits while moon sign reveals our deeper, subconscious self

• Our emotions and feelings are controlled by our moon sign

• Moon sign is not our zodiac sign