Difference Between Sunni and Ismaili

Sunni vs Ismaili

The difference between Sunni and Ismaili is that Sunni Muslims believe in following the ways and verbal sayings of the last Prophet whereas Ismaili Muslims is a sect of Shia which differs from Sunni Islam. Sunnis believe strictly in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and strongly reject any introductions, exclusion and interpretations of Sunah.

Sunni Muslims are in majority whereas Ismaili exists in minority in some parts of the world.

Ismaili sect believes in the seven Imams and therefore is called the ‘Seveners.’ Ismaili followed the descendants of Imam Ismail and still follow up to the present day. The present Imam of Ismaili sect is called Prince Kareem Agha Khan who is the forty -ninth descendant from the fourth caliph, Ali. Sunni Muslims believe in a secular political leadership whereas the Ismailis believe in a religious ruler.

Sunnis also have many sub -sects like the Shiites such as deobandi, brailvi, wahabi etc. Ismailis pray in Jamaat Khana whereas Sunnis pray in the mosques. Ismaili men and women pray in a joint session whereas Sunni men and women pray separately. Usually Sunni women prefer to pray at home but some of them offer Juma or Friday prayers in mosques.

Agha khan, being the religious ruler holds the most significant place in the Ismaili sect. The Imam decides names for the newly born babies and couples are allowed to marry after he gives permission. Sunnis do not believe that any religious leader is a divine spirit as they consider it is shirk or an unforgivable sin.

Sunni and Ismaili rituals are also different. There is a difference in the way they pray. Ismailis unlike Sunnis do not sacrifice their animals in the name of Allah. Isamailis are very closely knit society. All the rich and influential help their community to keep it strong. Some of the ismaili in the northern parts of Pakistan are very mild in nature. They do not get into feuds . They are a female- dominated society as females are more educated and there are more girls’ schools then boys ‘ schools in that area. The Ismailis of North have a closely knit social and security setup which does not allow any other religion or sect to interact with them at a personal level.


1. Ismaili and Sunni both have different kalma or difference in the verses of Quran such as ismailis having an extra verse added beyond what Shias recite.
2. Sunni Muslims are strict in following the Prophets teachings and practices and do not accept any interpretations, additions or omissions.
3. Ismaili sect is a sub sect of Shia Muslims who believe in the religious leadership whereas Sunni Muslims believe in a secular political leadership.
4. Sunni and Ismaili Muslims have major differences in their prayer and other rituals.
5. Sunni Muslims are in majority as compared to Ismailis which is a sect.