Difference Between Sweet Corn and Baby Corn (With Table)

Corn is a cereal widely cultivated in the world. It is also called maize in some parts of the world. Corn is grown for human consumption and animals fodder preparation. Corn is steamed, boiled, roasted to make different snacks. Popcorn is one of the most famous snacks made from corn. Corn comes in many types and tastes. Baby corn and sweet corn are two types of corn.

Sweet Corn VS Baby Corn

The main difference between sweet corn and baby corn is that sweet corn is a type of corn that has a sweet taste. Sweet corn is one of the varieties. On the other hand, baby corn should be harvested before it matures. Baby corn may be from a sweet corn plant or a normal plant. Since baby corn is immature they are smaller than sweet corn.

Sweet corn is one of the varieties of maize. They are rich in sugar content and tastes sweet. The sweetness of this type is due to a recessive mutation occurring naturally in the genes. Sweet corn is not allowed to mature but is collected while young. They were used as vegetables rather than cereal. They must be eaten fresh once plucked from the plant.

Baby corn must be harvested before it matures. The stalk and cob of baby corn will be small and tender. It is easier to chew and consume. Since it is young, it can be eaten raw. Stir fry dishes include baby corn. Baby corn is smaller in size and has a mild earthy taste. Immature corn ears make the baby corn.

Comparison Table Between Sweet Corn and Baby Corn (With Table)

Parameters of Comparison

Sweet corn

Baby corn

Stage of harvest

Milk stage

Silk stage

Carbohydrate content




6 inch

2 inch

Sugar content




Boiled sweet corn, cream corn

Roasted, Fried, Boiled

What is Sweet Corn?

Sweet corn is one of the varieties of corn. Sweet corn is collected before the sugar in the endosperm is converted into starch. Sweet corn is considered a vegetable, not a grain. Sweet corn developed due to a mutation in the field corn variety. American tribes cultivated sweet corn in the beginning.

Sweet corn became common throughout America later. It became available in every part of the country during the 19th century. Hybrids and Disease-resistant sweet corn varieties were developed in the 20th century. Hybrids with a different range of sweetness are available.

The fruit or kernel is arranged in the Cob. The husk is the leaves covering the cob. Husk will be removed before cooking the sweet corn. Sweet corn is the main ingredient in street foods of countries like the Philippines and Indonesia. Sweet corn has probiotic properties that are good for gut health.

Sweet corn has an anti-cancerous compound called ferulic acid. Steaming is a method of cooking sweet corn. Steamed sweet corn is mixed with butter and salt. Sweet corn with beans is called succotash. Sweet corn can be bought from supermarkets or fresh from farms. Canned and Frozen sweet corn is the most abundant type you can find in a supermarket.

What is Baby Corn?

Baby corn is eaten along with the cob. The cob of baby corn is tender and palatable. They have an earthy taste while eaten raw. Baby corn cultivation includes two methods. One method involves growing a particular type of corn plant and harvesting the corn ears before they mature.

All corn varieties can be used in this method. However, the plant varieties developed exclusively for baby corn production give a maximum harvest. The second method involves growing sweet corn or field corn varieties. Here, the second corn ear from the top of the plant is collected. The first ear is allowed to grow and mature.

Baby corn must be harvested once the silk or the flower protrudes out of the ear tip. Baby corn matures soon. So it is harvested early. Baby corn has an impressive nutritional profile. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D. They contain folate, pantothenic, and thiamin. Calorie and fat content is low.

People add baby corn to their daily diet. Rich fiber content makes them ideal for people with digestion issues. Carotenoids and tetraterpenoids in baby corn make it best for eye health. Baby corn may also cause dental health issues and diarrhea if consumed more. People allergic to corn should limit the amount of consumption. Overconsumption may also trigger heart diseases.

Main Differences Between Sweet Corn and Baby Corn

  1. Sweet corn is rich in sugar and is Sweet. Whereas baby corn may be Sweet if harvested from Sweet corn plants
  2. Sweet corn is comparably larger than baby corn. While Baby corn is only about a size of 2 inches
  3. Sweet corn is picked during the milk stage. A milky fluid is present during this phase of maturation. On the other hand, Baby corn is harvested once the flower part comes out of the ear
  4. Sweet corn is high in carbohydrates. So it is less suitable for a carb-free diet. But, baby corn is less in carbohydrates and calories. Baby Corn is added to a healthy diet
  5. Sweet corn kernels are cooked separately or eaten from the cob. But baby corn is eaten with the cob.


Sweet corn and Baby corn has different usage in the kitchen. Baby corn may be the immature cobs of sweet corn. Sweet corn is always harvested after they attain 6-inch size. Baby corn is much healthier compared to sweet corn. Sweet corn is rich in sweetness and low in starch. Baby corn also has less sugar because they are not allowed to mature.

Baby corn is fried and added to other dishes. Sweet corn is one of the famous street foods in Asia. They are steamed and sold in markets. Pepper sprinkled over them enhances the flavor. The cream corm is a food made using sweet corn. Sweet corn soaked in milk is a good source of Niacin. This is an Indonesian dish.


  1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/00346651311295932/full/html
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0260877405001925