Difference Between Tapioca Starch and Tapioca Flour (With Table)

In particular, there isn’t much of a gap since starch and flour seem to be the same thing. The label on the package varies widely depending on the manufacturer. In the United States, the item is typically referred to as ‘tapioca flour,’ whereas Asian manufacturers refer to their products as ‘tapioca starch.’ In addition, the word to use in guidebooks and recipes is completely up to the author.

Tapioca Starch vs Tapioca Flour

The main difference between Tapioca Starch and Tapioca flour is that Tapioca Starch is made from the starch of a cassava plant, whereas flour is made from the base. Both of these are extracted from Manihot esculenta. Tapioca is commonly referred to as cassava or sour cassava, depending on the area.

Tapioca Starch is a form of staple that’s commonly found in gluten-free and vegan diets. They’re often mainly encountered in Asian cuisine! Tapioca starch is preferred in Regional dishes over other types of starches such as cornflour, potato starch, and grain starch for unknown reasons.

Tapioca flour is made from the crushed latex of the cassava root, which is a woody herbaceous common to South America and the Caribbean. Even though both come out of the same plant, cassava flour and tapioca flour are not quite the same things. Cassava flour is made from the entire root, while tapioca flour is only extracted from the starchy paste.

Comparison Table Between Tapioca Starch and Tapioca Flour

Parameters of Comparison

Tapioca Starch

Tapioca Flour


Gluten-free and vegan diets often use tapioca starch as a staple.

The crushed latex of the cassava root, a woody, herbaceous native to South America and the Caribbean, is used to make tapioca flour.

Produced from

The starch of a cassava plant is used to make Tapioca starch.

The base of the Cassava Plant is used to produce Tapioca Flour.


Tapioca Starch and Flour are labeled the same in the United States.

In Asian Countries, both Tapioca Starch and Tapioca Flour are labeled differently.

Based On Recipes

It totally depends on the cookbook when it comes to using Tapioca Starch.

Tapioca Flour is also used in place of Starch in many cookbooks.

While Cooking

Most recipes call for some tapioca starch, but not very much, and striking the right balance can be difficult.

Tapioca flour can make meals slimy as well as impart a strong flavor to the finished product.

What is Tapioca Starch?

It’s a starch that’s mostly used in gluten-free and vegetarian diets. They’re also commonly used in Asian food! Asian cuisines, for some reason, favor tapioca starch over other forms of starches such as cornmeal, potato starch, and grain starch. Tapioca starch is also used to make your delectable boba pearls. Tapioca starch is derived from the cassava root after it has been processed and finely ground.

Tapioca is an English word that comes from the Latin American Tupi culture and relates to the method of making cassava edible. The root of the sour cassava plant is thought to be high in cooling glycosides, linamarin, and lotaustralin.

Tapioca is well-known for being gluten-free all over the world. Since nearly one in every 100 people in the United Kingdom suffers from gluten sensitivity, it benefits a wide range of people. Celiac syndrome is the medical name for gluten sensitivity.

Celiac disease is a disorder in which the lining of the small intestine is compromised, preventing it from receiving essential nutrients from food. It is usually seen that Gluten is seen in breadstuff, rye, grain, and oats. The gastrointestinal region is in jeopardy as a consequence of the gluten reaction. As a result, those suffering from this disease prefer to consume pre-filtered tapioca flour for a variety of gastronomic purposes.

What is Tapioca Flour?

Tapioca flour is produced from the smashed sap of the cassava root, a woody, herbaceous native to South America and the Caribbean. Cassava flour and tapioca flour are not the same things, even though they come from the very same farm. Cassava flour is made from the whole root, whereas tapioca flour is made only from the starchy paste. Tapioca flour, like all other refined carbs, is a fine, white powder that works well in gluten-free cooking.

 It can be used in place of cornstarch to thicken pies, terrines, pasta, bread, and sauce, and it helps in the creation of a crispy top and glossy surface in baking. It is most commonly used in the Brazilian delicacy Po de Queijo (shown below), a light, puffy cheese roll. 

Cassava root is generally sliced, washed, and minced. The grinned sheepishly pulp is then cleaned, pounded, and washed again until the mix is essentially pure starch and water. The starch is then dried after that. We are aware of the dangers of unprocessed cassava root, and the product has been formulated acceptably to render it harmless.

Main Differences Between Tapioca Starch and Tapioca Flour

  1. Gluten-free and vegan diets often use tapioca starch as a staple. Tapioca flour is made from the crushed latex of the cassava root, a woody, herbaceous native to South America and the Caribbean.
  2. Tapioca starch is made from the starch of a cassava plant, whereas the base of the Cassava Plant is used to produce Tapioca Flour.
  3. Tapioca Starch and Flour are labeled the same in the United States. On the other hand, In Asian Countries, both Tapioca Starch and Tapioca Flour are labeled differently.
  4. It totally depends on the cookbook when it comes to using Tapioca Starch. In several cookbooks, tapioca flour is substituted for starch.
  5. Most recipes call for a small amount of tapioca starch, and finding the right balance can be difficult. Tapioca flour can make foods slimy and add a strong flavor to the final product.


Tapioca products can be used in several recipes, whether it is mixed into bakery products or used as a fat substitute in soups and sauces. This ingredient is difficult to comprehend, and there is a lot of conflicting knowledge about it on the internet. Talking about the modified versions of Tapioca Starch, it’s a whole new matter when it comes to starch. While modified starch functions well in gluten-free cooking, this is not the same as tapioca flour and cannot be used synonymously. This form of adjusted starch is manufactured by many companies in the market.


  1. https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/9382220/05-%20ifrj-2008-135%20nurul%20malaysia%202nd%20proof.pdf?1329529710=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DThe_effect_of_different_ratios_of_Dory_f.pdf&Expires=1621885110&Signature=W-c-FRi81fuxFSpF30HFlOljhQAdhQERF8zt1V7N~hRHKr2GXw9s8Wym7CYNaF~0v46YCldMvYy6psvhzbwJ-JrsHZ-W9gFTJ2s069Q-0GG-ypga7h38afLWoZwxW8QEv3-CpH3rIdPHSO7u4v6MKSLOQ5759NJNirL8yVSzLWFcTTK1bZw31y0FApcn3blQUrsXrSEPaeyCctsijIKTnhKBQh537W6wKiCVqSS14SibIbU8Iwm3N8jotI3WdSj-Ns4FC36NDE-F2r8RtUwr20JZD1xvatakvfPwhbUppQ0tFUzDviKjc8bvB~cPg5s8j7oCzXA2CJpmachnBSN-1g__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13196-018-0226-1