Difference Between Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner

The key difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner is that Thanksgiving dinner takes place on Thanksgiving Day, which falls on November, whereas Christmas dinner takes place on either Christmas Eve or in the evening of the Christmas Day.

There is also another difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner if we look at the type of popular food during these two seasons. Turkey, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and corn are some popular food at Thanksgiving dinner whereas roasted meat, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, and eggnogs are some popular food at Christmas dinners.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Thanksgiving Dinner
3. What is Christmas Dinner
4. Side by Side Comparison – Thanksgiving vs Christmas Dinner in Tabular Form
5. Summary

What is Thanksgiving Dinner?

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada, the United States, and, some of the Caribbean islands. In the United States, it falls on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. Therefore, Thanksgiving dinner refers to a large meal served on Thanksgiving Day.

The centrepiece of this meal is usually a large roasted turkey. This meal also includes a variety of side dishes such as mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce and Brussels sprouts. Green bean casserole, winter squash and sweet potatoes, cornbread, and, bread rolls are some other common side dishes. However, these side dishes may also vary according to different countries, regions and their traditions.

Desserts usually include various pies such as pumpkin pie, apple pie, mincemeat pie, pecan pie. However, pumpkin pie is the most famous dessert at a Thanksgiving dinner.

What is Christmas Dinner?

Christmas dinner is the meal traditionally eaten at Christmas. Christmas meal can take place anytime between the Christmas Eve to the evening of Christmas Day. Most people unusually prepare a rich and grand meal for Christmas dinner, following the tradition of the Christian feast day celebration.

The meal you consume at Christmas dinner varies with different cuisines and traditions around the world. However, in most parts of the word, Christmas dinners involve roasted meats and pudding.

Moreover, most Christmas dinners include roasted fowl, usually turkey, with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and vegetables such as carrots, turnip, and parsnips. Christmas cakes, Christmas puddings, eggnog, and, mince pies are also some favourites at the Christmas meal.

What is the Difference Between Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner?

Thanksgiving dinner takes place on Thanksgiving Day, which falls on November, whereas Christmas dinner takes place on either Christmas Eve or the evening of the Christmas Day. This is the key difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner. The food served at two dinners vary according to various regions and traditions. Thanksgiving dinner usually involves roasted turkey as the main dish; however, the main dish in a Christmas dinner is not necessarily turkey. Moreover, turkey, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and corn are some popular food at Thanksgiving dinner whereas roasted meat, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, and eggnogs are some popular food at Christmas dinners.

Summary – Thanksgiving vs Christmas Dinner

The key difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner is that Thanksgiving dinner takes place on Thanksgiving Day, which falls on November, whereas Christmas dinner takes place on either Christmas Eve or the evening of the Christmas Day. There is also a slight difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner based on the food served on these meals.

Image Courtesy:

1.”Thanksgiving Meal with Turkey” by Gabriel Garcia Marengo (CC0) via GOODFREEPHOTOS
2.”New England Thanksgiving Dinner”By Alcinoe (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia  
3.”3376958945″ by Austin Kelmore (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Flickr
4.”2428029″ by wirdefalks (CC0) via pixabay