Difference Between Theory and Law (With Table)

Theory and Law are two terms that are often used interchangeably. These two terms are interrelated, and the misconception that they can be used for the same elements is wrong. The terms are generally used for different observations. Laws and Theories are used to define different types of conditions.

Theory vs Law 

The main difference between Theory and Law is that scientific Law is used to describe conditions that are narrower as compared to theories. Meanwhile, theories are the explanation of the observations that are certain laws. A theory is something that needs to have a certain amount of evidence to be backed up, but this is not the case with laws, as these observations are facts that cannot be changed.

A theory is the explanation of the observational data outlined in the form of a law. In plain words, a theory is a logic that is followed by Law. It could also be put as an advanced or developed hypothesis. “Hypothesis” is a likely cause behind any observation. A hypothesis has to go through multiple tests to sustain. If the hypothesis accommodates excellently in diverse situations, it could be accepted as a theory.

Law is a common observation set after plenty of considerations. A law has no explanations or limitations when it is decided upon. It is a fact that is recorded after observations. A particular example of Law could be the force of gravity. It can be seen that an apple falls on the exterior of the Earth. It is a fact that cannot be denied by anyone. This observation has no exceptions also. This phenomenon always takes place the same way and is never performed alternatively. This is why it is considered a law.

Comparison Table Between Theory and Law  

Parameters of Comparison




The theory is a bunch of ideas that are derived from law and used to prove something.

Law is defined as a statement that is a fact. It is derived from observations.


The theory explains the cause of the phenomenon. 

Law describes the nature of a phenomenon. 


Theories may not consist of any conditions.

Laws tell us what happens when certain conditions take place.


Theories can be revised or replaced as new evidence are introduced. 

Laws are not generally revised because they are observed as facts. 


Theories are based on proofs and pieces of evidence.

Laws are based on scientific pieces of evidence.

What is Theory? 

A theory is a sort of thinking or explanation which is thought of after observing a phenomenon or an observation. This method of observing logically is most times ordinarily linked with the processes of evidencing theories. These methods involve observational research.

The theories can either be experimental or can be separate from scientific subjects or are barely related to scientific subjects. These theories can be rebonded in regards to the circumstances of the phenomenon. The results of these circumstances or the phenomenon will be related to the way these theories would work in nature.

The theory is a word that is all about scientific theories, and it means that these theories show some knowledgeable sort of sense of nature, which is in a way composed about the scientific method and developing the rules that may be required by advanced science. These sorts of theories are shown in such a way that scientific experiments may be ready to provide empirical support for the same. These scientific theories are very trustworthy and are the top-tier sort of scientific knowledge.

The term “theory” is essentially used to show that some observation or fact has not been proven yet or is under hypothesis. Scientific theories are different from hypotheses in many ways. They are specific testable theories and are also different from laws, which are detailed ways through which nature works.

What is Law? 

Law or also known as scientific Law, are statements, which are constructed on replicated trials or checks that represent or foretell a variety of natural events. The term law has several ways in many instances over every area of natural science, which includes: physics, chemistry, astronomy, geoscience, biology.

Laws are generated from data and can be additionally formed by mathematics; in all matters, they are instantly or obliquely based on experimental data. It is commonly known that they inevitably return, though they do not explicitly say, causal connections key to existence and are seen rather than developed.

Scientific laws review the outcomes of tests or inspections, normally in a specific scope of use. Overall, the efficiency of a law does not vary when a different theory of the associated event is formed out, but rather the range of the Law’s utilisation because the mathematics or report describing the Law does not vary.

As with additional sets of scientific information, scientific laws do not represent complete confidence, as mathematical theories or personalities do. A scientific law may be repudiated, modified, or stretched by later observations.

Main Differences Between Theory And Law 

  1. A law is an observation and a fact. Meanwhile, a Theory is an explanation of a specific law. 
  2. A Theory needs to be studied and experimented on before it is confirmed. Meanwhile, a law is not required to go through any of these trials. 
  3. A theory may become out-of-date with time, but this is not the case with Law.
  4. A theory can be updated or changed, but this cannot happen with the Law as it is a universal fact and observation.
  5. A theory may be weak or strong with the backing of the evidence available, but this does not happen in the case of the Law. 


In conclusion, a theory is the detailed observations of any specific law and has comprehensive reasoning and needs to have pieces of evidence to back it up. Theories may change with the influence of opinions, and studies but on the other hand, Law are universally accepted as a fact, and they cannot be changed. Theories may become old with passing time and upcoming theories competing with them, but laws will never be replaced.


  1. https://heinonline.org/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/hlr55&section=13
  2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/795251