Difference Between Through and Though (With Table)

Parts of speech in English form the fundamentals of grammatical norms for the language. In ideal terms, it is the building blocks of good functional grammar in the English language.

The rules, nomenclatures, and guidelines in the parts of speech set the grammatical pattern with which the language has to be written as well as spoken. There are many types of parts of speech and each category deals with a substantial part of English Grammar.

There is no priority or the weightage for any of the categories, all hold equal importance and also fall in some part of the other in a sentence. The prepositions and conjunctions play a major role of linkages in the English Language.

Prepositions establish the relationship between two parts of the sentence while Conjunction helps in joining two words in a sentence. However, conjunctions also express relations at times, in general, it is a connector word. Generally, confusion arises between these two. Identifying the parts of speech shall be a bit tricky.

The best way to identify whether a word is a preposition or conjunction is, a preposition is always placed in front of a noun or a pronoun while conjunction need not be.

The difference between through and though is that through is a preposition while though is conjunction.

Through vs Though

The main difference between Through and Though is that Through is a preposition which is used to indicate something is completed from start to finish or has moved along with the point of origin to destination. Though is a conjunction which is used when there is a need to point out an issue or problem or providing a counterpoint in a sentence.


Comparison Table Between Through and Though (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of Comparison



Grammatical Form

Through is a preposition

Though is conjunction.


Through means, a medium through which something or someone is moving.

Though means, despite the fact or however.

Part of the sentence

Through is always featured in the middle of the sentence

Through is featured in all parts of the sentence; beginning, middle, and also at the end.


Through is a preposition used with noun or pronoun to show time, method, position, or place.

Though is a word that creates a connection between words, clauses, or phrases.

Main Function

It highlights place, position, method and time

Its function is to connect the nouns, phrases, or clauses.


When to Use Through?

Through is a word that falls under the prepositions in the parts of speech in the English Language. Despite being a preposition, the word through has many grammatical forms while used in a sentence.

For E.g.

  1. John jumped quickly through the window.
  2. Lilly walked boldly through the gate.

Analyzing the above two sentences, the word ‘though’ is used with an adverb to give more meaning to the sentence.

In the first sentence, John jumped ‘But how’ – Quickly – This is an adverb when connected with the preposition gives a complete meaning to the sentence. John jumped quickly through the window.

Same way, in the second sentence, Lilly walked through the gate – ‘But how’ – Boldly.

The next aspect that needs to be analyzed is the exact meaning of the word ‘through’ in the above-mentioned contexts.

The word ‘through’ means – ‘moving from one side to the other along a medium’

Watch out for this sentence now,

  1. The sixer came through in the last over of the cricket match.
  2. This tree is living through a lot of natural disasters.

In the above sentences, the meaning changes completely.

Here, the word ‘through’ means – continuing in time for a longer period until the present.

It is also to be noted that, the word ‘through’ can also be used as an adjective.

The word through comes in various aspects and holds a different meaning in different contexts. However, the actual meaning of the word depends on the context it is used.


When to Use Though?

Though is a word that falls under the conjunctions in the parts of speech in the English Language. The word ‘though’ not only connects but also establishes a relation between the parts of the sentences.

The meaning of the word ‘through’ is completely straight forward. It means, ‘despite the fact’

For E.g.

  1. He went to the examination hall though he was sick.
  2. Though it was raining, the match continued.

The above two sentences have the same meaning for the word ‘through’.

The first sentence means that, despite he was sick, he went to the examination hall. Same way in the second sentence, despite rains the match continued.

‘Though’ is a word that relates the opposite of happenings. A type of oxymoron where one part shall be negative and the other shall be positive.

The word ‘through’ establishes the balance between the two parts of the sentence.

These two words are completely different from one another, right from the grammatical form till the usage, but the striking similarity is, they both represent a relation between the two parts of the sentence.



  1. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/through
  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/though