Difference Between TM and Registered Trademark

TM vs Registered Trademark

TM or trademark and registered trade mark are a distinctive signs used by business organizations and individuals to proclaim that the product or services that they offer are unique. TM and registered trademark are also given to distinguish a product or service from others.

Trademark comes with the symbol TM and registered trademark has the symbol R.

Well, the main difference between TM and registered Trademark is that the latter one is registered. When some individual or a company uses TM symbol, it specifies that the product, its name and other things are exclusive to that individual and the company. But this does not have any legal binding. On the other hand, a registered trademark has legal binding.

Well, lets look at an example to differentiate between them. One company named A may be producing certain product with a certain name and they might tag TM to their product. Well, another company called B can come up with a similar product and give the same name as that given by company A. Though Company A might have proof to prove that they were the first producers, they do not have any legality as they had not registered their product. But if Company A had registered its product, then company B might not be able to use the same name, logo or any other graphic used by the other company.

A product gets a registered trademark symbol once it gets registered with USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Unlike the TM, the registered trademark has more benefits. Once a product or service has a registered trademark, it gives the owner exclusive rights. It helps in preventing unauthorized use of the services and products that are identical to the registered products.


1. Trademark comes with the symbol TM and registered trademark has the symbol R.

2. One of the main differences between TM and registered trademark is the registration itself.

3. TM does not have any legal binding. On the other hand, a registered trademark comes with a legal binding.

4. A product gets a registered trademark symbol once it gets registered with USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

5. Once a product or service has a registered trademark, it gives the owner exclusive rights. It helps in preventing unauthorized use of the services and products that are identical to the registered products.