Difference Between To Have Faith and To Have a Belief (With Table)

To have faith and to have belief sometimes overlap each other, but they are completely different.

The words can be used interchangeably, but they have differences in their definitions.

People say that faith and belief are the same things, but the trouble is that they have very close meanings, which makes them interrelate, and that leads to more confusion.

There must be a clear distinction between faith and belief.

To Have Faith vs To Have a Belief

The main difference between to have faith and to have belief is that to have faith is to have an irrational belief without nay reason which cannot be proved like having faith in God, whereas to have belief is to have an opinion with a reason that can be proved using scientific methods like newtons belief in gravitational pull.

Faith has a belief without any reason. It is irrational. That is, it lacks reason, but this does not make it unethical or evil. For example, faith in God is a belief that is done without any reason.

Belief is something that is defined by opinion or confidence. Belief is an idea of knowledge or understanding that can be used to verify using scientific methods. Belief can be shown either true or false using evidence or scientific methods.

Comparison Table Between To Have Faith and To Have a Belief

Parameters of comparison

To Have Faith

To Have a Belief


To have faith is having an irrational belief.

To have Belief is an idea defined by opinion or confidence.

Can be Proved?

To have Faith lacks a reason, thus cannot be proved.

Have Belief can be proved using scientific methods.

Knowledgeable/ impeccable

Having Faith in someone or something is impeccable.

Having belief in someone or something is having knowledge.

Relationship between them

To have Faith in someone or something is a belief but without any evidence.

Having a Belief in something is the foundation of having faith.


To have faith is to have a commitment towards someone or something.

Belief says nothing about having a commitment.


Having faith in God. 

Newton believed in gravitational pull.

What is To Have Faith?

Having faith may be a bit old-fashioned. To have faith is an idea of knowledge. It can motivate one to do or achieve something out of the ordinary. It is a form of trust or loyalty without any reason or without expecting anything back.

Having faith is investing someone’s energy in whatever they believe without any reason, but it is not only for the weak-hearted.

It has our beliefs; it is an extension of what we believe.

It requires actions. It is not faith if it does not produce any good deeds. If it is not producing any good, then it is not faith.

When one believes truth with confidence and then acts, then that person exercises faith. And then sometimes even miraculous things can happen.

It includes confidence to achieve goals. It removes worries and makes way for optimism.

The faith must be strong and centered on achieving heights.

Faith is having a belief and confidence in someone or something. It is centered on trust.

Faith cannot be proved like belief.

Faith is having an irrational belief in someone or something; thus, it cannot be proved. It needs no questions to be asked as it has no reason behind it.

Faith is something that includes belief but without any evidence.

It is important to have a distinction between these words because they are different when it comes to definition.


  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/religious-studies/article/can-fictionalists-have-faith/DA129FBFB8FF910231689E02FAE8D675
  2. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11153-007-9137-6.pdf