Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual

Transgender Vs. Transsexual

Transgender and transsexual are interrelated terms but have various distinct characteristics. While a transgender individual may be referred to as transsexual, this can only happen if they wish for a medical operation to change their sex. This makes the two terms a bit confusing, and more often, most people interchange them and use one in place of the other.

However, the two words have characteristics specific to each. This draws the sharp distinction between them. The following are the definitions, possible similarities, and differences between them.


Meaning of Transgender

The term is an umbrella one used to refer to an individual whose gender expression or gender identity differs from their apparent or birth sex. The term is also used to refer to people of the third gender, cross-dressers, bigender, transsexual, genderfluid, non-binary, genderqueer, pangender, and agender.

Even though one is transgender, this is independent of their sexual orientation. This means that a transgender individual may be asexual, bisexual, homosexual, or heterosexual. The individual may also refuse to label their sexual orientation.


Meaning of Transsexual

Transsexual is a term that was coined by David Oliver Cauldwell in 1949. It was popularized in 1966 by Harry Benjamin. This was around the same time when the term transgender was coined and popularized.

Basically, the term transsexual is regarded as a subset of transgender. As such, it is used to refer to a group of people who wish to transition their gender permanently to the one that they identify with. In that sense, they seek medical assistance to change their sexuality. This process is referred to as sex reassignment surgery.

Possible Similarities Between Transgender and Transsexual

Both the transgender and transsexual people are individuals who do not identify with gender and sex constructs that they were born into.

As for sexual orientation, both the transgender and transsexual individuals find this irrelevant. This means that one can be bisexual, gay, lesbian, straight, pansexual, or asexual and still be transgender or transsexual.

Meaning of Transgender Vs. Transsexual

The term transgender refers to a group of persons whose identities differ from what is associated with the sex assigned to them at birth. In short, they defy all societal expectations regarding their gender.

Transsexual, on the other hand, refers to a group of people who experience an inconsistent gender identity. This section of people psychologically and emotionally feel they belong an opposite sex than the one they were born with.

Origin of Transgender Vs. Transsexual

The term transgender was coined by one Psychiatrist of Columbia University. The Psychiatrist, John F. Oliven used the word in 1965 when he was referencing his work “Sexual Hygiene and Pathology”.

Transsexual, on the other hand, was coined by David Oliver Cauldwell in 1949 and popularized in 1966 by Harry Benjamin.

The inclination of Transgenders Vs. Transsexuals

The considerations of transgender individuals are based on an individual’s predisposition or their psychological gender disposition. It is also based on their social expectations that accompany each gender role.

Transsexual, on the other hand, is mostly based on the physical aspects of one’s sex.

Medical Assistance

Transsexual people often believe that one can only be a true transsexual if they undergo medical surgery to change their sex while transgender people do not think such an operation is necessary to be identified as such.

Transgender Vs. Transsexual: Comparison Table

Summary of Transgender Vs. Transsexual

The term transgender is used as an umbrella term that refers to people who have a challenge identifying with their genders. Transsexual, as such, falls under transgender. However, these groups of people are clearly different from each other. Care should be taken while addressing each and interchanging the terms for each other.