Difference Between Typical and Particular (With Table)

The word “typical” denotes something of a specific type whereas and is described based on the fact how a thing or things fit into a large group. The word “Particular” is used to denote something that is special and generally different from the lot. “Typical” and ‘particular” are not words with which people might generally get confused since the meanings are mostly opposite.

Typical vs Particular

The main difference between “typical” and “particular” is that the former is used to denote something of a large group while the later is used to denote something that is special or different from all others. “Particular” is also used to refer to people who are attentive to small or little specifications or details.

When something is typical it means that it fits into a larger community or a group. The word is based on the fact how they fit in to broader group. Something that will not be typical it can be compared to the group by contrast.

When something is particular it means that is different from all others present in the group. It is exceptional and unique. This word is also used to denote people who pay attention to small things or details and follow them. When something is not particular, it can be compared to the individual by contrast.

Comparison Table Between Typical And Particular

Parameters Of Comparison




“Typical” means something which is of a type. It is used to describe how a thing fits into a large group.

“Particular” means something is unique or different. It is also used to refer to people who pay attention to small things.


Synonyms for “typical” are characteristic, normally regular, true, standard.

Synonyms for “Particular” are specific, certain, definite, discrete.


Antonyms for “typical” are anomalous, deviant, untypical, abnormal, aberrant.

Antonyms for “particular” are unselective, non-selective, ordinary, general, universal.

Contrast behavior

When something is said to be not typical the group is getting compared by contrast.

When something is said to be not particular it means that the individuality is getting compared by contrast.


This is a typical example of a lazy dog.

He is a very particular man who wouldn’t spare a single mistake in the work.

What is Typical?

The term “Typical” is used to indicate something that can be related to the distinctive characteristics and qualities of an individual or an object. This term is often used to relate examples with any object or individual to which it relates to.

“Typical” is used to describe something that usually either belongs to a group, can represent the group or is a basic example of something that can be found in the group.

This term can be executed in several ways, but the end result and aim of it is to relate an individual or an object in discussion to the type of which it belongs to or represents.

For example – 

1. “That man has a typical James Bond vibe in his body language.”

Here, “Typical” comes to play as the man who is being discussed about is being related with the characteristic features and qualities of James Bond and how he represents the same in his body language.

2. “A typical human being sleeps for 8 hours and drinks around 4 litres of water in a day.”

Here, “Typical” is used to talk about an imaginary member of the group in order to represent the whole group.

3. “Typically, long haul flights involve bigger aircrafts with more capacity.”

Here, “Typical” is used to show what is common and normal within the group.

What is Particular?

The term “Particular” is used to refer to or describe something that is special or unique in its own way. It is mostly applied for talking about a single member of a group or class.

Even though this word can be used in several ways depending upon the condition and wants of the speaker or writer, it ultimately concludes to being a word that is aimed at making a particular individual or object stand out from the rest in a group or class.

It also plays a significant role in describing something precise and special and also in highlighting something specific.

The term emerged from the Latin Particular which meant “particle” or “small part” and hence it justifies the usage of this word in English language.

Let us understand with some examples – 

1. “His answer was very particular since it did not leave out the key points of the topic in spite of being a small answer.”

Here, we can see how “particular” is used to describe precision and attention to detail.

2. “Her favorite genres are, in no particular order – Fiction, Mystery and thriller.”

This can be an interesting example as it shows how “Particular” can be used to describe something which is NOT special or specific. In these sentences, “Particular” is used generally with a “No” or “Not” prior to it.

Main Differences Between Typical and Particular

  1. The word “typical” is used to denote something of a type that is, it is used to denote how a thing or a person fits into a large group whereas the word “particular” is used to denote something or someone who is exceptional.
  2. Synonyms of the word “typical” are normal, regular, true, standard, characteristic and that of “particular” are discrete, certain, definite, specific.
  3. Antonyms of the word “typical” are abnormal, untypical, deviant, aberrant and that of “particular” are ordinary, general, selective, universal.
  4. In the negative aspects, not typical means contrast to the group while not particular means contrast to the individual.
  5. When something is said to be not typical the group is getting compared by contrast while when something is said to be not particular it means that the individuality is getting compared by contrast.


Although both the words “typical” and “particular” are adjectives, yet they have no similarity to their meanings. There is almost no chance for someone to get confused between the two words as both of them portray almost opposite meanings. Both the words have no familiarity in their pronunciation or the way the look and have different root words. “Typical” is used to represent something that belongs to a group whereas the word “particular” is used to denote something that is special, unique or is individual. Other than the fact that both are adjectives they nearly have nothing in common.


  1. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/01.res.47.1.1
  2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3548200